The Paranoid Style Podcast

Cursed Movies - The Exorcist & Rosemary's Baby

Season 2 Episode 28
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00:00 | 43:36

This week The Paranoid Style Podcast is CURSED!!! I mean, even more than usual! We're looking into cursed movies, where the only thing more dangerous on the set than the critics reviews are the mysterious deaths, injuries and spooky occurrences. From Pazuzu to Pizzookies,  from demonic diapers to possessed but plucky tweens, from Mia Farrow to Zoe Saldana, no wait, neither of us have seen the remake. What an excellent day for an exorcism!

Clip from:
"The Exorcist" (1973) - William Friedkin Horror Movie

If you have any topic suggestions for the show or any tales to share, please email us at and follow us on Instagram @theparanoidstylepod or on twitter @style_paranoid.  

Opening theme music provided by Tony Molina. You can hear more of his music at