The Paranoid Style Podcast

The Extemporaneous Style # 7 - The Horror, The Horror!

Amanda and Christine Season 2 Episode 29

Welcome to the Paranoid Style Podcast! It's an Extemporaneous Style episode! Some might call it the Hot Mess Express, we prefer to think of it as the Balmy Erratic Slow Coach. This week we are obsessing over another podcast that we love and highly recommend: Watch Out! The Horror Movie Review Podcast (Available everywhere and here: Watch Out Horror.) And then we try our hand at being a movie review podcast with balmy, erratic results! From Canada to South Korea to Argentina to Australia! From demons and devils to an inability to remain spoiler free. We braved monsters and subtitles to bring you this episode. 

Movies Discussed:
"Alison's Birthday" (Australia - 1981)
"The Wailing" (South Korea - 2016)
"Terrified" (Argentina - 2017)

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 If you have any topic suggestions for the show or any tales to share, please email us at and follow us on Instagram @theparanoidstylepod or on twitter @style_paranoid.  

Opening theme music provided by Tony Molina. You can hear more of his music at

Extemporaneous Style 7_The Horror, The Horror!

CCK:: [00:00:00] Hey, Sister! 

ARK:: Hey Sister and Hey listeners. Welcome to the paranoid style podcast. This podcast hosted by two sisters. That's you and me two sisters. And we generally delve into topics that are conspiracy related, mystery related, creepy, weird crypto related 

crypto as in crypto zoology, not [00:00:30] crypto currency, do not take any money advice from either one of us. But if this is the first time joining the paranoid style podcast. Welcome. You've stumbled onto the episodes that we refer to as being extemporaneous style, 

CCK:: the hot mess express is pulling into the station. 

ARK:: These are episodes where we generally just kind of chat as opposed to really research any sort of topics or anything.

My name is Amanda. And the first horror movie I remember ever [00:01:00] seeing was jaws 3d. Now, I guess some people might not consider that a horror movie, but I saw it when I was probably about five in the movie theaters. And it was a horror movie for me, mom and antibi took me to go watch it in the 

CCK:: is insane because my first movie was jaws, 


which mom and dad took me to see cause they wanted to see it.

And mom goes, you weren't scared. You had your head in the popcorn [00:01:30] bucket the whole time, which in her defense was probably true.

ARK:: Yes. But did you have your head in the popcorn bucket because you were hiding or did you, 

CCK:: I don't remember. Luckily my memory is not good. 

ARK:: you know what? That is so funny because I swear it was the same thing, mom and auntie wanted to go see jaws 3d.

and they had no choice, but to take me with them, 

CCK:: Well, wait a scar, your children, lady 

ARK:: in hindsight. I am thankful for them because it did really set me up for a [00:02:00] lifetime of watching horror movies and enjoying horror movies. 


Mom was not the kind of mother that was precious about what? content she'd let her children consume. 

CCK:: no. I mean, I watch creature features when I was really 

ARK:: Yeah And book-wise too , I remember reading Stephen King in fifth grade or something. yeah, 

CCK:: I'm Christine and I am incapable of [00:02:30] maintaining spoiler free movie discussion. 

ARK:: That's 

an understatement 

CCK:: I mean I don't mean to, I just can't help it,

ARK:: I have never seen an M night Shyamalan movie. 

CCK:: that I haven't previously spoiled for you. It's true. It's true. I also tell people if they ask me if I can keep a secret, I tell them. Absolutely not. 

ARK:: Yeah, And I appreciate that about you. if anyone [00:03:00] ever approaches you with that opening statement, Hey, can you 

keep a secret Yeah. And the answer is, fuck. No, 

CCK:: no. I literally tell them absolutely not. And they don't believe me. People think you're saying that as a, I don't know what they think I'm saying it as, but, but a hundred percent I cannot keep a secret, but I'm also 50, 50% likely to forget what you told me before.

I'm able to share it with others. 

ARK:: really it's a roll of the dice. If you want to share 

CCK:: It's a crap 

ARK:: with Christine [00:03:30] 

CCK:: But even though I have trouble with spoiler free movie discussions, you know, who does it.

ARK:: Who 

CCK:: The fella's over at watch out horror movie 

reviews Yeah, it's true. Watch out horror is a spoiler free review podcast of horror movies, and they give recommendations for both recent fright films and horror classics. 

ARK:: I love this 

CCK:: I love this podcast. 

ARK:: You [00:04:00] introduced it to me. And, and you told me you should check this out. I think you'll like it.

And I love it. 

CCK:: see, I knew you would love it because you see so many horror 

ARK:: movies. 

I want to see all of 


CCK:: And I am kind of the opposite. I see. Hardly any horror movies. I mean, I do see some, 

ARK:: but see to me that is a Testament As to how entertaining this podcast is because you who do not 

watch horror [00:04:30] movies and you're still into 

CCK:: it.

I love it because it, because it tells me one of two things, it either tells me about a movie that I would not, even though it's spoiler free, you get enough information to know, like I would never, in a million years, watch this movie based on this description. Or in some cases 

ARK:: you've been interested, 

CCK:: been interested.

And I have to say on episode 14, grave robber, Geoff's fresh dig with [00:05:00] society. And it's a movie from 1989. And I hesitate to say, I love it because the film is messed up. But I loved that movie. I never would have seen it otherwise, but, but based on the review of it, I was very intrigued and it did not disappoint.

It was 


have yet to get a recommendation from them 

because I've that I haven't seen but that's okay. because I never really get to talk about these movies with [00:05:30] anybody. So It's interesting to hear other people's takes on 

CCK:: It 

It is. I have a very low threshold for gore jump scares, non jump scares, slight 

ARK:: so the other thing that one of the things I totally love about them is they're brothers.

it's Jason, the terrible slice and dice and Dave and grave. robber. Geoff. 

And I I don't know if those are the names their mother [00:06:00] gave them, but, 

CCK:: Yeah. And they've got a great rapport and that the thing I think about it is it's both, for me, it's very fun and soothing. I find their banter very soothing and I also feel like they kind of have a sense of humor I can really appreciate.

And we have a promo 

ARK:: Ring the bell. I mean, Roll the 

CCK:: clip.

Jason the Terrible:: Hi, I'm Jason. The terrible 

Slicin' Dicin' Dave:I'm [00:06:30] slicing dicing Dave

Grave Robber Geoff: And I am grave robber Geoff, 

Jason the Terrible: and we are the watch-out horror movie review podcast. Each episode we bring you spoiler free reviews and recommendations for both recent films and horror classics. Granddaddy of all flash remote. We start with three mini reviews from Jason, the terrible DVD dungeon 

Slicin' Dicin' Dave:: and slicin’ and dicin’ Dave’s streaming's scream sack of nightmares. 

Grave Robber Geoff: Yeah, grave robbery. Geoff's fresh dig Geoff's review. [00:07:00] 

Jason the Terrible:: And then we move into our feature reviews where we get into a much more detailed discussion, but fear not. We will not ruin the movie for you. We can't stand spoilers those either. 

Slicin' Dicin' Dave:: I hate them. They really grind my gears.

I'm plugging my hair, but I do want it. That's how scary this movie might be or how much of core, 

Jason the Terrible: or there might be. It will break the movie down over several categories so that you can decide if it's right for you. Geoff, what does that 

Grave Robber Geoff: right on the disturbed meaner? Well, there's definitely some disturbing scenes and 

[00:07:30] things.

Jason the Terrible: So if you're a horror fan who spends way too much time browsing through streaming services or searching through that huge pile of DVDs in your basement tune in to watch out horror movie reviews every second Tuesday, and subscribe to us on your favorite podcast platform. 

Slicin' Dicin' Dave: Movies. Aren't quite your thing.

Come and have a listen. Anyway, we have a lot of fun. That's watch out horror movie reviews. 

Grave Robber Geoff:Now, if you'll, excuse me, I've got to go Rob some graves. 

Slicin' Dicin' Dave: I love it. You can make something out of that right? 

Jason the Terrible: Watch out. [00:08:00]

CCK:: So the watch out of horror just released their 21st episode last week. So if you haven't listened yet, you have a lot to catch up on, which is so awesome. 

ARK:: My.

only complaint about watch out horror is that it's bi-weekly but I get that people like have to have like day jobs and 

families and stuff 

They once did a horror movie draft. I don't know if you remember that 

episode but For the longest [00:08:30] time I put off listening to that episode because when I listened to it, I sat down with my pen and paper. and I did the draft along with 


I did terribly. I did not have a respectable score, but I liked to take back. it was a respectable score, but I wouldn't have beaten any of those.

CCK:: Yeah. Yeah. They've also done trivia a couple of 

ARK:: Yes I like when they do trivia 

CCK:: bad at the trivia. 

ARK:: right at the trivia. Yeah. But again, I, I [00:09:00] it's just because I've watched so many. horror movies . 

Watch out horror movie review podcast is available on all your regular platforms, apple, I too, or apple. I pod.

what the fuck 

CCK:: ITunes podcast 

ARK:: apple

podcasts Okay Available on oh, you're normal podcast 

CCK:: We aren't, we also available on these. Why do we not know the names of these 

ARK:: flats No [00:09:30] Apple podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify? Good, pod. I recommend them 

CCK:: I do 

ARK:: There's so much fun to listen to. You're going to get truly, you will get lists and pond lists of horror. movies to choose 

CCK:: Yeah. 

And even if you don't like horror movies, that much, it's super fun to listen to the Synopsys of them and the banter about them.

And just like get some interesting insights [00:10:00] into some of these 

ARK:: Definitely go listen rate and review them. They're Awesome. And so, because they're so awesome In honor of watch out horror movie review podcast, we decided to kind of do our own take on horror movie reviews, which is totally fun for me, because I mean, I was going to watch a horror movie, anyways, but to force you to watch something is really fun. 

CCK:: And we also kind of tried to tie it back [00:10:30] to our last episode 

ARK:: as cursed films. Our last Episode was cursed films, but for this, we kind of put in the theme of devil movies or, or possession movies. maybe is a better no, I think that's, I think it works devil movies. 

CCK:: Okay. Okay. Now that's, that's an interesting, you say this sister, because I thought that one of these movies was supposed to be a [00:11:00] curse movie.

Like the one that we watched together was that supposed to be a devil movie. 

ARK:: Okay. Wait a minute. Hold on one second. So our feature presentation was originally a cursed 

CCK:: Oh. But because we changed 

ARK:: it, Yes 

At the last minute we decided not to discuss that one because there wasn't much, We won't name 

CCK:: them Okay I mean, we need Jason here to keep us on track. I guess we should start with our individual movies [00:11:30] 

ARK:: Yes for sure. and and our individual movies definitely was the theme of devil demon. 

CCK:: Yeah And one of the curse movies we talked about was the Exorcist.

ARK:: And Rosemary's baby. 

CCK:: Oh, yeah. Both. 

This is harder than it looks 


ARK:: Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Wait, wait, wait. before we get started, though, we have to say what our movie, 

CCK:: oh, 

ARK:: let's see. 

CCK:: Oh, I know what I'm going to 


ARK:: [00:12:00] Who goes first? 

CCK:: I'm Kirstein

cursed and Christine together. Kirstein 

ARK:: and now it's time for Amanda's abscess of awfulness. And then we can put a little like like a little abscess squeezing noise, Okay. So for my movie. this week, I did a [00:12:30] movie called Allison's birthday. That's an Australian film, released in 1981. Now I kind of had to dig deep into the abscess to come up with something.

because the only thing I love more than horror movies are devil Satan demon, possession movies, Those are my absolute favorite. like I have seen a lot of them. So to find ones that I haven't seen, that I'm interested in watching, it's a little, it's kind of a stretch. So I went with this Australian [00:13:00] movie, it was directed by Ian Kauflin now right away.

Once the movie started, I got the impression that it had a very made for TV movie feel to it, which is interesting because when I looked up Ian, Kauflin, all of his writing and directing credits are for television. So it makes sense that his feature film maintained that. feel. Allison's birthday, stars Joanne Samuel as Alison, [00:13:30] bunny, Brooke as aunt Jenny and John Ballou, Thall as uncle Dean and Lou brown as Allison's boyfriend Peter.

And when Alison is just 16 years old, she and a couple of schoolmates are playing with the Weegee board and her friend gets possessed by an unknown entity claiming to be Alison's deceased father and the entity warns. Alison not to go home for her 19th birthday. So fast forward three [00:14:00] years. And Alison is just a couple of days away from turning 19.

So her aunt Jenny and uncle Dean who raised Alison since she was an infant. Her parents had died in a horrible car accident. So uncle Dean and aunt Jenny invite her home to celebrate her 19th birthday. She remembers the Weegee board prophecy, but she chooses to ignore 

CCK:: it. 

I would have taken it a little more seriously 

ARK:: I mean, wait, is this a spoiler [00:14:30] spoiler alert. The friend who gets possessed while playing with the weedy board gets crushed by a bookcase seconds after it happens and dies. So yeah, I would have taken that prophecy a little more seriously. So, and, and lo and behold, as it turns out, aunt Jenny and uncle Dean are members of a cult that worship at Celtic demon named Myrna, who is commonly associated with the number 14 and the color blue.

Blue is very [00:15:00] prevalent throughout the film, which I kind of. I, In hindsight, I was kind of like, oh, that's kind of cool. that they really like 

paid attention to The detail. like Allison's always in blue, her aunt and uncle are in blue.

One of the other creepy cult members drives a blue car and is wearing blue. So it was, it was nice that they like maintained those details. So as it turns out the cold kidnapped Alison from the hospital when she was just a baby, because she was born on the 19th day of the [00:15:30] month at exactly 7:00 PM, AKA 1900 hours, 7:00 PM is night.

And in military time, 1900 hours, is 7:00 PM. 

CCK:: the reason she's explaining this is because I'm giving our a very blank look. 

ARK:: And at 1900 hours on the girl's 19th birthday, they plan on transferring the demon Myrna into Alison's 

So Mirena has previously been inhabiting the body of A woman [00:16:00] named grandmother thorn, who was 103 years old.

Pete, the boyfriend discovers what's going on. Thanks to the help of his woo-hoo astrologer friend, Sally, But will he make it on time to save Alison? No. 

CCK:: Oh my God. 

ARK:: Spoiler 

spoiler alert. 

CCK:: spoiler alert. 

ARK:: Okay. So this movie again, you know what it was, it was [00:16:30] fine. It was not scary. Like I said, it had that made for TV movie feel. So it was very, very peaceful. Not a lot of gore. No, , there's kind of implied cuddling kind of

stuff, but but, but like they could have aired this on television and it would have been fine even before the watershed. But it was still effective. And I, like I said, even though it had that made for TV movie feel, I did [00:17:00] think, like I really liked the director's attention to, to the little things that you might not even have noticed consciously while watching 

there were a couple of things, actually, this thing really stuck in my craw and it's so stupid. But Alison works at a record store that closes at noon on a Saturday.

What the hell kind of record store closes at noon on a 

CCK:: Maybe it's an Australian thing. It gets too hot or there's too many dangerous fighters 



ARK:: [00:17:30] that I mean, both of those seem like really.

good. Yeah, so, so not a lot going on, but , if I had caught that if I had caught this on television, 

CCK:: you would have been 

ARK:: I would have been totally 

CCK:: so so what would you give, like on a scale of one to 10?

ARK:: I'll give it a five. 


CCK:: You're harsh. 

ARK:: I'll give it a five. Okay. I'll give it a [00:18:00] four. And 

CCK:: Oh my God. You've got harsher.

ARK:: trying, I I'll let it keep the five. It can keep the five. That's fine. It's fine. I thought the actors were good. 

CCK:: You're, you're a hard grader though. And you're not indiscriminate about movies. Like I usually am pretty, I mean, I don't, I'm not that into horror, but I am pretty indiscriminate about all the other movies I watch. And it's not that I'm not into horror. I just get [00:18:30] too scared. And the movie that I ended up watching, which I feel like you for response.

Wait, why do I feel like you're responsible? I don't think you told me to watch 

ARK:: I didn't, but when you were telling me what movies you were considering. I gave this one. an enthusiastic.

CCK:: Yeah that must've been 

ARK:: Yeah Cause I really liked this 

CCK:: So the movie that I watched for my devil movie, which I just found by 

ARK:: oh wait wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry 

to [00:19:00] interrupt you What's 

CCK:: ahead Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. 

ARK:: Curse 

CCK:: Kirsty's creepy crypt of horror and terror 

ARK:: It's snappy.

It rolls off the tongue. I love it. 

CCK:: I'll never remember what I just said. Okay. I'm digging into the crypt. 

Yeah Okay. 

So the movie that I watched broke every roll of movies that I have [00:19:30] 

Okay. It was a foreign 

film. You know how I hate subtitles? I don't know why. I mean, I usually end up enjoying movies from foreign countries in a different language, but for some reason I'm very resistant mentally to reading subtitles. But the movie that I watched is called the wailing that is like wailing, like crying. 

ARK:: Yes Not wailing, like stabbing a whale with a 

CCK:: It is a south Korean [00:20:00] movie from 2016 . The movie was written and directed by NA Hong gin and he's directed several other films. None of which I had seen though I'm not typically a horror or a foreign film watcher. The film started June Kimora as the Japanese man.

Kwok DOH one as the police Sergeant and one, he Kim as the daughter and the, the reason I mentioned her, she was really good at the little kid in that [00:20:30] she's about, I think she's supposed to be about like 10 years old. And the running time of this movie. Is what breaks. Another role that I have the running time of this movie was two hours and 36 minutes.

That is so long. 

ARK:: it's 

CCK:: It is a Testament to this film that I made it through that like, and it didn't feel two hours and 36 minutes long, which is a [00:21:00] Testament to the fact that it's a kind of a good movie.

So the plot is a small village in South Korea experiences, a spate of murders of families by a member of each family. One of the police sergeants in the town notices strange connections between the murderers, puss jewels appearing on their bodies, seemingly some kind of infection.

When his daughter begins to show the same infection, he makes it his mission to destroy the man that he [00:21:30] believes is responsible. So that was my little summary there. Spoiler for, I managed to keep any spoilers out of that. The movie opens and I thought that this was interesting. The movie opens with a quote from the book.

Which is always assigned to me that things are going to be scary and wrong, but I thought it was an interesting choice based on what the movie was about, the quote that it opens with, or the Bible verse that it opens with is they were startled and [00:22:00] frightened thinking. They saw a ghost. He said to them, why are you troubled?

And why do you doubt? Why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself touch me and see a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see. I have. So I thought it was interesting that like that that's a quote about Jesus's having what's 


word Yeah resurrected 

from the grave there.

So, okay, so subtitles [00:22:30] number one, strike two hours and 36 minutes. Number two, strike. Loads of animals killing and torture. Number three, strike. I mean, you can, you can cut as many horny teens as you want, but do not kill the family dog. I just, I can't take it. I don't know why. I know it's wrong to like be okay with people murder and not animal murder, but for some reason, I just, I don't want to watch a movie.

Usually when that happens. [00:23:00] However, in this one, I had committed to it and I didn't want to pick another, so I just stayed with it. But if you, but if you're really put off by animal killing and torture, there's, there is a lot of that in this movie. There's some grizzly murders. Some gore not like an insane, like there's no like hacking open heads and like brains flying 

ARK:: If I recall correctly, it's a lot of aftermath, 

CCK:: a lot of aftermath gore.

And even the gore that takes [00:23:30] place, like onscreen is more just like blood, like, like a human levels of bleeding, not so much, , insane spurting blood a bit of nudity, hoots and such and a brief bit of confusing sex. Like at the beginning of the movie, I really couldn't tell what the relationship of the police Sergeant was in his family, but it was just his wife, but they were having sex in the car, which I, I dunno, I was just confused, but then I guess they live in such tiny [00:24:00] houses.

So that's the other thing. So the, the the second. It's a slightly downtrodden looking town and the houses are really small and, and they're shared by families. So, so the, the main character, he shares the house with his wife, his 10 year old daughter and his mother-in-law, I think she is. But the scenery is gorgeous.

So the movie keeps cutting from the horrific of visuals of the, the, the family and [00:24:30] annihilation murders and the kind of like, sort of, not like, sort of just cramped and dark and little bit dingy houses, and then showing this insane, gorgeous scenery, just mountains and trees. And it's, it's so beautiful.

 The south Korean. Title is G O K S E O N G, which is a real village. And it also means to whale. 


so it means both of [00:25:00] those things, but the real village is where the director's grandmother, you still live. 

ARK:: wait, the real village.

They filmed 

CCK:: Yeah. Or the goat 

ARK:: where his 

CCK:: is where his grandmother lived.

Yeah. And so that, that, that name means to whale as in the lamenting sound people make in response to someone's death. 

ARK:: Nice name for a town. 

CCK:: So did I enjoy it with the animals stuff? It was difficult, but I was fascinated by the story and the setting. The [00:25:30] police Sergeant, he begins to suspect and he keeps hearing rumors because it's going around the village that all of the misfortunes that are happening are tied to a Japanese man.

Who's moved into this south Korean village. And the, the way that they refer to the Japanese man is like, jarringly racist but I think that Japan and Korea have traditionally, historically had very contentious relationship. I, I read this thing that said 79% of south Koreans view [00:26:00] Japanese people negatively.

And that was like a recent survey. And the relationship between the countries has been described as a cold war. 

In Imperial times, Korea was often caught between Japan and China in the early 19 hundreds. Korea was made a colony of Japan, which I don't think I realize that.

And Korean men were forced into the Japanese military. Something like 200,000 were conscripted into the military against their will. And Korean women were [00:26:30] forced into sex, slavery, many Korean women, and they were labeled comfort women, which is something that has come up time. And again, between the Korean and Japanese relationship as countries post-World war II, Korea regained its independence.

And in recent years, the pop culture of each country has reached across borders, but in spite of this tensions remain. But I think it's very common in horror to have the strain. 

ARK:: Yes. 

CCK:: And so, this is a [00:27:00] stranger who moves into the village and this misfortune is happening. So fingers start to point at him and based on his actions, like, I feel like those fingers weren't totally incorrect, but you keep going back and forth, which is part of the interesting thing about the movie.

 I was convinced of one thing, but then two hours into the movie, I'm like, I am totally wrong. And then at the end of the movie, I'm [00:27:30] like, I don't know if I, I don't know what the heck just happened. I will say if you like movies where you're kind of kept guessing. This is definitely good in terms of that.

The movie is watchable throughout the two and a half hours. The last 30 minutes definitely pick up steam and sister. I have a note here. Do you know what the F happened?

I mean, without spoiling it, I think a [00:28:00] character who seemed good ends up very bad, but it doesn't make sense because in one scene we see him battling the ultimate bad batty successfully. I thought that's what I, I did 

ARK:: yeah so, so so that's the thing like, Yeah, I, I don't think, I don't think it's possible. to discuss 

CCK:: It's so hard to do it without spoilers. Watch out horror does it really successfully, but I have trouble, I read [00:28:30] something that it was a rumination by NA Hong Jen, who's the director and writer on the randomness of misfortune and the question of why humans have.

He was quoted as saying there's only one thing. I wish everyone who watches this film to feel regardless of who they are, a condolence for those who disappeared after having fallen as victims of the world. And for those who are left behind, I shouldn't, I sincerely wish this film gives you some time for condolences.

[00:29:00] And I would say that you do, you genuinely feel for the protagonist and his daughter and just, I think some of the other characters aren't developed as much. But but, but you do come to like them and really we kind of are rooting for them. And I did find a detailed analysis of this movie, unsurprisingly, I found a couple of them, but there was one on film, that really went through point by [00:29:30] point and scene by scene and tried to explain exactly what's happening and why they thought like cert a certain point in the film is where I really got confused about who was good and who was bad and why something was happening.

And, and this film, Colossus person goes into explaining what they thought was happening and it made a lot of sense. So so if you've watched the movie and you're interested, you might want to check that out. And you know, I like my movies wrapped up in a bow, [00:30:00] which this one is not, you don't think, you think it is.

I mean, I think it has a very obvious in a way I saw some complaints that the ending is too 

ARK:: Yeah That's what I was going to say. I would say it's not wrapped up in a bow. It's like tangled up in twine or something.

Like to me, there is kind of an ending that leaves no 


CCK:: think you you you realize where you've ended up, but I just don't feel like I knew exactly how [00:30:30] I got there. Like I knew exactly where I was at the end, but I wasn't sure how I got there, but I liked it a lot. I gave it a 6.7 out of 10. I know, I know C for me, harsh is six. 

ARK:: Oh, my God, 

CCK:: You know what I did, there was just too much animal killing.

There was too much animal killing 

ARK:: One of the things that I distinct, I have not seen the movie in a while and I wish I would have rewatched 

 But the things that I [00:31:00] Distinctly remember about it are. And I looked up the name, cause I didn't know the cinematographer on that film. In horror movies.

You tend not to pay too much attention to the way they're shot. I think that is changing a lot with modern horror, which I think is great. Like I think films like hereditary. and, and mid Somar 

and like that is definitely changing the way that horror movies are presented. And in this film, I think that this was a great example [00:31:30] of even if the, if the subject matter We're completely different, you would still watch this film and it's beautiful photography. It was shot beautifully. 

CCK:: is shockingly. Like there is this one scene where there is a. Like a decapitated Bullhead, and it's just sitting on a table with oranges and candles and like basically an offering to the gods. And it was so beautiful. And I was like, this is awful. I hate this, but it's also [00:32:00] hard not to love to look 

ARK:: at 

it Yeah. The photography in that movie I 

remember is stunning the Japanese man is awesome. And he's been in a 

lot of 

CCK:: Yun 

ARK:: yes that's the Japanese. 


I love the police Sergeant in this film to me, he was like, I remember like, He's like kind of funny and befuddled, and, but still like, I don't know. I just remember thinking that that actor was, 

CCK:: I agree.

I really felt for do Yon Kim as the [00:32:30] actor, as yang, ye som, who is studying to be a priest, 

ARK:: Oh, yeah. 

CCK:: poor guy, he really went through it. 

ARK:: And interestingly enough, so the director, I looked up to see what other movies he had done. And although I have seen at least one other of his. films, He had a movie that either, I think it just came out last year and it was the movie I wanted to watch for this episode, but I [00:33:00] didn't because it was so long and I kind of waited till the last minute to watch my film.

So I th That was another reason why I went with the movie I went with, but he has a film out right now. I don't know if he directed it. He definitely wrote the screenplay called the medium. 


it's supposed to be it's again, like, I think it's two and a half hours long, Yeah, but I really wanted to watch that one. And now I'm really bummed that 



ARK:: give myself more time. 

Again, Not to step on your [00:33:30] toes. 

And especially since I have not seen this movie in a long time, but I think I would have rated this movie, like a seven, a seven.

I probably would have given it a seven out of 10. 

CCK:: I do think it, it probably deserves a higher rating. It just cannot get a higher rating for me with the level of animal. I mean, I know I keep harping on that, but, but truthfully, I don't care if you kill babies on screen. I don't want to see animals get murdered and you [00:34:00] see a lot of it.

And then there's like a couple of scenes with chickens that I felt like the chickens were actually being tortured on screen. 

 I just, with the animal violence, I just can't give it a higher rating than that.

I can't. But, but if that is not something that, that puts you off, I think you would really enjoy this movie.

ARK:: Okay, so now it's time. for a feature presentation. 

CCK:: Ah, 

ARK:: so as we briefly mentioned in the [00:34:30] beginning we had initially picked a movie that was specifically about a curse, to tie in with our last episode, about cursed films. And at the last minute I kind of discovered a, it was a found footage film, which are not, my favorite. and two, 

I didn't feel like there was going to be anything to talk about.

It It did not have. that. It did not have enough 

CCK:: Yeah, I didn't even start [00:35:00] watching it. So it was fine that you change the 

ARK:: So at the Last minute, we picked a movie from Argentina. This was made in 

CCK:: She made me read more 

ARK:: I know more some titles. So this is one that's been on my list to watch for a while. So it was kind of selfish reasons. But the movie is called terrified.

It's available on shutter. 

It was directed by Damien Rubina and it stars Maximiliano [00:35:30] Guiliani As 

via oh, Neta as Maura, all Breck, nor Beto Gonzalo as Yano and George L. Lewis as Rosentalk and sister, I don't know if you want to. 

CCK:: It was an hour and 27 minutes, 

which was Nice and snappy 

 I initially did not think I was going to make it through this film.

The plot is a series of strange deaths in a [00:36:00] neighborhood are investigated by a police detective and three paranormal researchers with confusing results. I felt, 

ARK:: yes. I would agree 

CCK:: I thought the first, unlike the whaling, which kind of really ramps up at the very end, I thought the first hour of this one was insanely good.

And then it kind of trails off at the end and kind of, to me it felt like it kind of lost its steam and 


ARK:: I agree. I agree. [00:36:30] The first half of the movie is excellent. 

CCK:: And the first half of the movie is scary enough that I was like, I'm not sure I can watch this 

because I don't like things under the bed. And there's something under the bed for one of these people. 

ARK:: Yeah 

CCK:: like that. 

ARK:: The little boy in the kitchen, 

CCK:: like that. 

ARK:: I do feel like this movie had some plot holes. 

CCK:: It did 

ARK:: It's pretty rare that I get scared at 


Yeah, [00:37:00] 

See, that's not exactly true. It's pretty rare that I find movies scary. I often get like there'll sometimes be little moments of like, ah, Yeah. but this one, like For a while. It was genuinely, like, oh my God, I don't want to look. 

CCK:: think visually it had some really unique things happening. There's a husband and wife who live in this house and something terrible [00:37:30] happens to the wife.

And I thought that the way they did that, like the husband's reaction was odd to me. But I thought that the, that visually how it, how they handled that was so weird and awful 

ARK:: like I kind of feel like that's not necessarily 

CCK:: I agree. And like the scene you mentioned with the little, little boy who's, who's killed, and then you see him again, he's killed, but he's not gone and you see him again.

And I don't [00:38:00] remember ever having seen something quite like that scene. 

ARK:: Yeah. I, I think I agree with that. I read somewhere, but then I didn't follow up on. it, but Allegedly Guillermo Del Toro was going to do a remake. of 

CCK:: I saw that 

ARK:: Yeah which I, which I totally applied because I feel like one, obviously Guillermo Del Toro, visually speaking, is, , kind of second to [00:38:30] none with his visuals in films So to take this same kind of concept and like refine it very interesting.

And then also I'm kind of hoping he can fill in some, of those plot 

CCK:: well, that's the thing, I almost felt like there were two different movies happening here. Like I think it was sort of a, sort of a monster. Well, I mean, it's [00:39:00] interesting because the whaling going back to the whaling. In the movie initially, like I thought it was a mask of the red death kind of thing.

I thought that there was some kind of plague coming to the town and then you get the feeling, oh no, this is a zombie movie, perhaps. And then you go, oh no, it's a ghost story. And then at the end it turns into something entirely different. So I think that this [00:39:30] movie, it was difficult to tell what was happening.

Like what was the, was the whole neighborhood impacted by some kind of curse or something. And then they sort of swing towards another explanation, which I think might have worked if they had gone into more detail. I really liked the characters of the paranormal researchers, because they were strange rose and talk was the weirdest, because he seemed like he wasn't.

Right. And I couldn't tell, was he [00:40:00] supposed to be German or American. Okay. 

Okay. Cause I remember like he was having trouble with his Spanish at one 

ARK:: Yeah. And you could tell his Spanish was not his first language the way he spoke it. 

CCK:: Yeah. But Yano, 

ARK:: Jonno 

CCK:: the one who had been the police investigator and then had left the 

ARK:: Yeah he was a, what do you call it? Coroner 

CCK:: Yes 

he reminded me so much of. I character from one of my favorite horror [00:40:30] movies, which is a terrible movie, but for some reason I love it. The ninth gate. Do you remember in the ninth gate, which is the Johnny Depp horror 

movie from 

ARK:: owner Yes 


CCK:: The twin bookstore owner. I mean, that guy was like a dead ringer and I think that that's what set the idea in my head, but I think that there was some evidence for it in the movie. It seems like the paranormal investigators were off. Did the character seem kind [00:41:00] of weird or wrong to you? Like just the, their they're like complete imperviousness to fear seemed strange to me.

ARK:: Yeah. I can kind of see that.

I'm trying to think if there was anything in the movie that made it seem like maybe that was like a

like, was that on purpose?

You know what I 

CCK:: mean, 

I don't think so. I mean, I don't, I [00:41:30] didn't feel like it was explained at all, but, but everyone had that. Even the guy I'm Walter who experiences some of the most horrific, just like in terms of like typical horror experiences, his actions were kind of strange. I mean, I would've gotten the hell out of there.

That's what I don't understand. I would, I don't think I could take, I couldn't take it.

ARK:: I also read that [00:42:00] Damian is working on a. 

CCK:: Oh okay You know what? I'm glad because I would like to know more. 

ARK:: I agree, because they definitely opened this humongous can of worms right. Towards the end of the film. And then they kind of just set it out and don't touch it again. Like, they kind of just like, here's this thing. We're not going to tell you anything else about 


And so that, that that is one of the, that was one of my complaints about it, the plot holes and the fact that they [00:42:30] did introduce this concept, which 

CCK:: didn't see through 

ARK:: but then they didn't really get into it very 

much Rating wise, 

would probably give this film a six out of 10. 

CCK:: The first part of it was very scary. I gave this a 6.3 out of 10

and, and I did think I, and I will say that my rating system tends to [00:43:00] range around the six, unless I really love something. But yeah, it was, it was a good horror movie 

ARK:: Yeah, the job done 

CCK:: and it was almost too scary for me to watch. So if you're easily scared, you might not like this. 

ARK:: I do wish I would have. I see, the problem was we were trying to find a movie that neither of us had 

CCK:: yes.

And I've seen none of them and you've seen all of [00:43:30] them. So 

ARK:: Cause, cause I was just thinking in hindsight, I really wish I could have forced you to watch something that like legitimately is terrifying. A movie that I've watched and found terrifying. I kind of wish I could have forced you to watch it 

CCK:: like what, like what, what is 

ARK:: in recent, in recent memory, the dark and the. 

CCK:: Oh yeah.

I don't even 

like the title I don't like the title I started. I like literally watched a minute of that movie and I'm like, Nope, I 



ARK:: in the wicked Yes. 

CCK:: [00:44:00] I turned it on. I didn't like the cover. It looked dark and wicked. And then the title it's too intense 

ARK:: Yeah That was the last move in recent memory. That's the last movie that I watched where I legit had a moment where I was like, oh, I'm going to pull a Christine. I'm going to scream. I'm just going to scream out loud. 

CCK:: I mean, to be fair, I don't usually do it at home. Like I don't usually scream at home. 

ARK:: Why do you do 

CCK:: the theater because it's so shocking.[00:44:30] 

ARK:: It's not shocking at home. 

CCK:: It is. But it's like, usually I have all the lights on at 

ARK:: yeah and there's like other, there's potentially other people. 

CCK:: Exactly And I'm usually watching it on an iPad. So it's 


it's not as like it's not as immersive. 

ARK:: That makes a big 


CCK:: Well, I mean, I think the one thing I can say is reviewing movies is harder than you would 


ARK:: hard. [00:45:00] This is why I just like to listen to other people do 


CCK:: do too. 

ARK:: Now that I've tried my hand.

at it, I can see that I do not have the, I don't, I don't have what it takes. 

CCK:: no. 

no So the crypt is closed people.

ARK:: and the abscess is drained. So we'll wrap up this extemporaneous style by telling you go listen to someone else's 

podcast and They do it much better. but If you want to keep listening to our podcast. and we want you 

CCK:: I mean, there's [00:45:30] many hours in a day. There's there's time for everything isn't 

ARK:: that's right. And if you Like what you hear then consider going out and following us, subscribing to us rate and review 

CCK:: yeah On the iTunes podcast. 

ARK:: And then don't forget that if you wanted to ask us a question or correct a mistake we've made or suggest a topic, or if you want more podcast recommendations from us, you can contact us. You can [00:46:00] reach out to us on or we're on social media on Twitter, We're at style underscore paranoid and on Instagram, we're at the paranoid style pod.

And we may feature your question or email on a future extemporaneous. episode. 

CCK:: Oh yeah,

don't do that. I'm very [00:46:30] sensitive.