The Paranoid Style Podcast

The Extemporaneous Style # 8 - A Survey, A Quiz and Potato Chips

Amanda and Christine Season 2 Episode 34

Welcome to the Paranoid Style Podcast! This week we're waxing extemporaneous… That's right! It's another one of our free-wheelin', rule-bustin' Extemporaneous Style episodes! On this episode we realize that we need to get out of the house more when the best thing we can think to talk about is our favorite flavor potato chips and we can't believe what the night sky looks like. We also discuss the results of conspiracy theory belief study that we were guinea pigs for. We plug the Explore Hollow Earth Kickstarter and we take a highly scientific quiz to determine which cryptid we are… spoilers: we're both chupacabras! From CheeWees to jogging podiatrists, from the Hollow Earth to Hackensack, New Jersey. Have a listen to find out which one of us is the Mulder and which one is the Scully! 


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Music used in this episode is from: Purple Planet Royalty Free Music  


Opening theme music provided by Tony Molina. You can hear more of his music at

Extemporaneous 8 - A Survey, a Quiz and Potato Chips

ARK:Hey sister, 

CCK: Hey sister. 

ARK: Hey listeners. Welcome to the paranoid style podcast. If this is your first time joining us, you are in for quite the experience because this an extemporaneous style episode. And what does that mean, sister? 

CCK: Um, chaos. madness. [00:00:30] 

ARK: I can't remember. You said the definition once before.

I'm trying to remember how you said it. it's 

CCK: Oh yes. 

done Without preparation 

ARK: or planning. I think.

And What that, means is it's a looser, less research, heavy episode where we can answer some listener questions, cover a current event or any media that's of interest to us. We might play games or share our recording process.

Or make any corrections that we see [00:01:00] fit? Um, 

CCK: um, I'm Christine and my favorite potato chip it's probably plain or, or barbecue. I, I do like barbecue chip. 

ARK: Okay. Wait a minute. It is bad enough that we've reached the point of the podcast where we're forced to talk about her favorite snack foods, but then you picked plain.

CCK: Well, I, I, [00:01:30] you gotta admit there is something very tasty about a plain salted potato chip. 

ARK: It's true. I, I think my favorite potato chip is sour cream and onion. Wow. I think, oh, but you know what I I've been, I've been thinking about lately. I was about to say dreaming about and then I was like, don't dream about food. it's just like, um, 

Chis I've been dying 

CCK: for.

Oh my God. 

ARK: Wait, is that what they were called? 

CCK: Yes. Wait, where [00:02:00] were Chis? 

ARK: New Orleans. 


ARK: the only place I've ever seen him is in New Orleans. 

CCK: Wait, were they 

Cheeto like 

ARK: yes. Yeah, 

CCK: yeah. 

ARK: Yeah. I, I, I was gonna say there's a poor man's Cheeto, but I'm not. sure if that's 

CCK: No, they were pretty cool. Yeah. 

ARK: And they were so good. and they had a jalapeno flavored one, 

CCK: the one, the jalapeno flavored one, you know, it's weird. I used to, I used to exclusively eat jalapeno chips. [00:02:30] But I, I don't know for some reason I don't generally anymore.

Yeah. We've really bottomed out on things of interest. We we've gotta get out of the house more. I think, 

ARK: um, 

CCK: When I was a kid, I wanted to be in the roller Derby. 

ARK: that was our backup. That was our, backup plan. if the, potato 

CCK: if the [00:03:00] potato chip

ARK: we go 

CCK: oh my God. Okay. You have to tell this story, sister. 

ARK: Okay. I'm Amanda. And I'm about to tell whatever story. This is, 

CCK: tell the story related to roller Derby. Tell the story of the time you broke your ankle on roller skates. 

ARK: It's oh, okay. I mean, this is not the greatest 


CCK: Oh my God. Are [00:03:30] you kidding? It is the story ever.

It's also completely unbelievable. 

ARK: Yeah. That someone could break their ankle while roller . skating. 

CCK: No, that that's not the unbelievable part. 

ARK: Um, wait, were you on roller blades? By that point. Okay. So you and I went to the park. To roller blade and roller skate respectively. So you had roller blades. I just still had the old clunky four wheeled rollers skates. 

CCK: I think you [00:04:00] might have inherited my, when I got the roller blades, I think I gave you my old pair of clunky. 

ARK: the is correct. And actually this may have been why I managed to break my ankle because they SW they were too big. Yeah. Yeah. So they didn't fit quite right, but they were really nice roller skates. So I was wearing them anyways.

The less interesting part of the story is that somehow I managed to fall and land like directly on my ankle. Like I sat down on my [00:04:30] ankle when I fell. Aw, And it hurt really bad. 

CCK: I tried to convince you, it was just a scrape. Yeah. And I'm like, no, 

ARK: skated off skated off, skated we're like 

CCK: oh, to clarify, you were only about 

ARK: 11 

CCK: 12. Yeah. 

ARK: Yeah. 11 maybe. 

CCK: Yeah. 11. 

ARK: And so as I'm sitting there on the ground, like crying, telling you, like, no, I don't think I can make it. home. This is really like, it really 

CCK: And the [00:05:00] park is closed on the weekend was a weekend and the park was closed to traffic. Yeah.

So it's not like we could get someone to come pick us 

ARK: Right? Yeah. So we're sitting there, I I'm on the ground crying. You're trying to convince me that I can skate home and we see like a group of joggers. there was probably about four or five of them. Maybe more maybe like five or 

CCK: of them. Yeah.

I think five or six 

ARK: but this like group of people jogging together 

CCK: and they had the number 

ARK: bids [00:05:30] Yes 

CCK: had like numbers on. 

ARK: Yeah. they like, 

CCK: of some RA, like they had finished a race. 

ARK: Yeah. They could like come Jo over to us. and like stop and they're like, Hey, are you okay? What's happening? So we explain, oh, I, I fell and my, my ankle really hurts.

And he is like, oh, well, would you like us to take a look at it? We're a group of jogging podiatrists. 

CCK: It was like the podiatry Ron in the park, like the podiatry five. I okay. 

ARK: Yeah. [00:06:00] So I had a group of foot doctors actually like remove my skate, check out my ankle, determine it was broken. 

CCK: And then carry you home to the house.

ARK: Carried me home to the house, the jogging podiatrist. 

CCK: It was the, it was, I mean, it was not a good day cuz you broke your ankle, but of all the things that could have happened, that was probably the weirdest. 

ARK: I mean the only thing that would've been better, if it had been a group of jogging, [00:06:30] orthopedic surgeons or something Um, yeah. And then I had a, and that was like, I had a cast for several months. 

CCK: Yeah. You went to Arizona with a cast. I remember that. 

ARK: Yeah. Oh, that makes me think I was no, I guess not. I was gonna say that makes me think I was actually a little bit older than I thought. because I re 

CCK: 13 [00:07:00] 

ARK: maybe. cuz I remember that was the summer.

That the entire time in Arizona I wore a faith. No more t-shirt and a flannel shirt for the entire 

CCK: in 

ARK: with my fricking cast and 

CCK: degree weather. 

ARK: Yeah. 

CCK: That could have been you at 10 or 12 

ARK: it could have been, but when did faith no more come out. I guess, that could have been me at 11 or 12

CCK: yeah. [00:07:30] I guess that part's not important. 

ARK: It's not, but you could cut all that. Um, let's see. I'm trying to think. Is there a good segue from, there? 

CCK: um, speaking of things that are improbable? No. 


speaking of people who are it's speaking of people in higher who have had higher education, or like, uh, speaking of to segue into the 

ARK: yeah.[00:08:00] 

Speaking of groups of jogging medical professionals, I dunno. 

CCK: um, 

ARK: um,

okay. Well, we don't need a segue. just get right into it. 

CCK: God, we can't even be bothered to think of a segue anymore. 

ARK: So. Sister. I don't know if you remember, but back [00:08:30] somewhere between July and September of last year, 

CCK: Uhhuh, 

ARK: you and I filled out a survey. 

CCK: I actually do remember this 

ARK: well, so this was a study that was being coordinated through R M I T university in Melbourne, Australia.

And it was a survey regarding, uh, study was regarding social wellbeing and conspiracy theory belief. [00:09:00] So the person that was conducting the study, they were looking, I'm not going to mention any names because I reached out to the person. Yeah. To see how much they wanted. Yeah. Like how much information they wanted to give.

And unfortunately didn't hear back from them, but they did initially give us permission to talk about this. When we took the survey almost a year ago. So they were looking to fulfill requirements of a bachelor degree for their honors thesis in [00:09:30] psychology. Um, and they were specifically studying the attachment style, social wellbeing, and the correlation with the person's conspiracy or beliefs in conspiracy theory.

So, um, they had a, they had 421 participants. Um, like I said, we took the survey sometime back July of 2021. And we found it through Reddit and, um, they, they [00:10:00] are done, I guess they, they finished their thesis, so they were able to release the results. Um, and we, we have the results. We're gonna go through 'em.


CCK: oh, oh, I, I just thought of a segue, speaking of people that we need help from, a psychologist, a psychology student. 

ARK: well, if she's finished her thesis, if, if they finished their thesis, they might be a doctor. or, Oh no, it was a 

CCK: bachelor. 

ARK: [00:10:30] Bachelor's okay. So they're One step closer to being a doctor in psychology, I suppose. Okay.

But still they, they can certainly they'd be able to help us, better than 

CCK: maybe they could tell us what's wrong. 

ARK: Um, so just to kind of give you an example, the, the 

were along the lines of, um, you know, I don't know what you call this, but your choices were highly [00:11:00] disagree. Slightly disagree, agree, highly dis uh, highly agree that kind of like sliding scale and the kind of questions they had were things like.

The government is involved in the murder of innocent citizens. 

CCK: Oh, 

ARK: The government is involved in the murder of well-known public figures, 

CCK: um, 

ARK: um, groups of scientists manipulate fabricate, or suppress evidence in order to deceive the public. [00:11:30] Um, and then there were, um, other questions that were more about what I assume is what they refer to as attachment style.

So those kind of question were more along the lines of I'm more at ease, doing things together with other people. 

CCK: I like working alone. 

ARK: Exactly. I, My life is in complete without a buddy beside me. Agree or disagree. um, 

CCK: now if you were going to qualify [00:12:00] your attachment, um, so, so they, they gave three levels of atta or three attachment styles, four.

Oh, there's four. 

ARK: I'm almost positive. cuz there's, um, there's like, 

CCK: I think I saw secure attachment. Yes, that's right. Refers to comfort depending on others and being independent in adulthood in adulthood, 

avoidant attachment refers to discomfort depending on others and a preference for emotional distance and [00:12:30] anxious attachment refers to heightened insecurity and dependence in relationships.

ARK: Yes. Why did I think there was four? I thought there was one that was like a mixture of the two? 


CCK: there probably, I mean, I'm sure that nobody, I mean, very few people are extremely one or the other. 

ARK: Yeah. Wait, so what was the, what was the second one 

CCK: avoidant attachment. 

ARK: And what was the definition of that?

CCK: Uh, refers to discomfort depending on others and a preference for emotional distance. 

ARK: I think [00:13:00] that might be me. 

CCK: It's definitely me. 

ARK: Yeah. 

CCK: I mean, I like people, but I don't want them near me.

I prefer them from afar, 

ARK: She hates people, but she loves a gathering. it's the strangest thing. 

CCK: No, actually it's not true, but I do think, I mean, in my personal life, I like people. If I'm forced to work in a group project. 

ARK: Yeah. That's a discomfort. 

CCK: Yes. I always hated that in school [00:13:30] and at work, cuz I'm just like this could get done so much more simply if I were just allowed to do everything, see if I were allowed to procrastinate and get nothing done.

ARK: um, I always have this like internal conflict with I, I, and I can never figure out which is true or not. Is it that I love humanity, but I hate humans. Yes. Or is it that I hate humanity, but I love humans. 

CCK: Oh no, maybe that's 

ARK: it. You know what I mean? Like, 

CCK: yeah, yeah, 

ARK: I mean, [00:14:00] people are just the worst, but then again, people are also kind of the best, like, I mean, people who create art and people who are like funny or kind or Like, 

CCK: or have tiny 


ARK: Yeah. Yeah. you know, I don't know. Like sometimes I just look at people and I'm like, you're just the cutest little, like, you're just like, you're Such a, an like how in the hell are you even existing? How are you like a sentient meat, sack existing in this world right now.

Good for you. Yeah. You know, [00:14:30] and then 

CCK: how did a, how did proto plasm end up wearing a John tea? 

ARK: right? Yes. And it just like every once in a while, like a person will just like, even just a random stranger will just give me like a lift, like, wow, man. Yeah. so weird that we even exist and have the brains that we do. 

CCK: Well, I, so, so I would go, I would go out and say probably we're both sort of secure attachment and avoid like somewhere between those two.

ARK: I agree. I agree. [00:15:00] 

CCK: I don't think I have anxious attachment. 

ARK: I don't I, how, we get back to our, like some of the key findings 

CCK: uhoh 

ARK: of this, um, study, which again was, you know, attachment style, social wellbeing, and conspiracy theory belief. So, um, 

CCK: when we took the test, do you remember, do you remember how your answers [00:15:30] were leaning?

ARK: I remember I do. I do sort of remember because I remember that a lot of the questions we had questions about. Yeah. Because A lot of them were like, I mean, just as if, for instance, like right off the bat, one of the examples I gave the government is involved in the murder of innocent citizens keeps this a secret, you know, what.

CCK: They don't even 

ARK: historically?


You know what I mean? [00:16:00] Are they doing it at this exact moment? Well, actually, yes, probably, So it was like those kind of things where it was like, do I think that the government is pizza get aiding small children through secret tunnels and murdering them in satanic worship in the white house?

Not really. But do I know for a fact that the government is guilty of the murder of innocent citizens? Yes, yes, A hundred Percent. So those were the kind [00:16:30] of questions where it was like, well, I, I like wanted more qualifiers, right. In Order to truly give the answer that I wanted to give. So when a lot of them, I think we hedged our bets and was kind of like somewhat agree.

as opposed to strongly agree, You know, again, because of things like that, it's like, yeah. The government does murder innocent citizens and civilians. I mean, you can go back in history and see it being done. So, [00:17:00] you know, it, it was kind of hard to say in what context that question came in. 

CCK: Yeah. How did you answer?

My life is incomplete without a buddy beside me. 

ARK: I, I 

CCK: oh, no. See, I think if that buddy is covered in cat hair, 

ARK: what I was about to say. I was about to say, unless they're talk, if they're talking specifically about human buddies, strongly disagree. if 

CCK: hello. I can [00:17:30] hear you. 

ARK: Yeah, but You're covered in cat for, 

CCK: oh, that is actually true.

ARK: so you don't count. 

Um Yeah, I, I don't eat a lot of human interaction, honestly. I don't mean, I mean, I, I love you sister. I love hanging out, with you, but quite frankly, I just don't. 

CCK: You'd be happy if you never saw me again. 

ARK: I wouldn't be happy if I never saw you again. I just probably would get used to it 

CCK: it wouldn't notice 

ARK: I feel like, I feel like something's missing. 

CCK: I feel [00:18:00] like there's a lot of less back and forth in this 

ARK: podcast, Oh no, not in this brain, baby. there's back and forth, all day long, 

CCK: but it is a lot more well organized.

ARK: Um, so one of the conclusions of this study is that anxious and avoidant attachment styles have been associated with higher conspiracy theory belief. 


CCK: That that's not a surprising finding to [00:18:30] 

ARK: It's not, and I don't think it's necessarily all that new either based on some of the, You know, things 

CCK: just make me wonder though, like a chicken or egg.

ARK: Right. 

CCK: I, I mean, it, it seems like you're you, your attachment style is something that's sort of ingrained in your youth generally speaking. So I guess if you are this kind of person, you are more likely to be [00:19:00] leave in conspiracy theories as opposed to, 

ARK: right. Well, I mean, if you were raised in, a way that you could not trust 


The people that raised you, then it makes sense that you would not trust, you know, authorities, institutions. 

CCK: Yeah. 

ARK: You know? 

CCK: Hmm. 

ARK: Um, let's see.

[00:19:30] Yeah, higher conspiracy theory. Belief was Associa with a more anxious or avoidant attachment style as well as lower trust and a lower sense of belonging. These relationships were small to moderate and significant.

CCK: I think just meant that they're over 50% like, like there's significant statistically. 

ARK: I see, I see. Um, I thought this was [00:20:00] interesting. Most participants agreed with some of the conspiracy theory statements and disagreed with others. 


few participants agreed or disagreed with every statement. 

CCK: huh 

ARK: And that makes sense to me, because that was one of the other things I remember about the, about the survey was that, um, it, besides the like kind of more specific questions, like how you feel about your government or institution or what they're doing. 

And then there was the things that [00:20:30] were more personal, like, you know, life is incomplete without a buddy by my side. And then there was a section where they kind of went into various theories. 

CCK: that's what I was gonna 

ARK: That was like, you know, things like, 

CCK: do you believe in extraterrestrial life? 

Yeah. And I would say that most like many people, even if you're not a full bloom co theorists, I don't think it's that much of a leap to think that 

ARK: there 

CCK: some kind of MOS exists on ju or whatever.

ARK: Yeah. [00:21:00] Um,

let's anything else interesting 

CCK: um,

did we mention Australia? Oh, Melbourne. Yeah, 

ARK: we did. Have you been to Melbourne? No. Oh, okay. I couldn't remember 

CCK: I've been to Australia, but we didn't go down that far. We were in Sydney and [00:21:30] then we went to aluru and then we went to kangaroo island. 

ARK: Yes. Yeah. 

CCK: Which is PR pretty much directly. It's like kind of cuts across the center of the country.

Okay. And Melbourne is kind of down south of it. 

ARK: Okay. 

CCK: I would like to go back. 

ARK: I would like to go to Australia. 

CCK: I would like you to go to kangaroo island. 

ARK: don't wanna go. to kangaroo island. It sounds scary. 

CCK: No, it was awesome. I mean, there was a lot of kangaroo roadkill, which [00:22:00] was like, when you first see a kangaroo, who's like a roadkill kangaroo.

It's like. Unbelievably devastating. Like it's like, 

ARK: it'd be, like, it'd be Like coming across a Jersey devil on the side of the road. 

CCK: Well, I mean, I'm not sure about that. It's more like, it's more like coming across, like what's the big, like, I guess it would be like seeing a coyote roadkill or something like something a little more significant than a deer.

Hashtag no offense deer, 

ARK: Well, no, 

CCK: have 

ARK: talking [00:22:30] about, I've never seen a kangaroo. 

CCK: Oh, okay. 

ARK: I mean maybe in The zoo. Do they have kangaroos at the San Francisco zoo? 


Okay. So then I've probably seen a kangaroo at the zoo, but otherwise I've never seen a kangaroo. Like 

CCK: yeah. You know, what is scarier than the roadkill?

When you a jumbo kangaroo, like hopping by and he looks like he wants a fight I did see one of those guys. He was a 

ARK: a killer Ru. 

CCK: Yeah. He was, he looked very ly and [00:23:00] angry. 

ARK: Are they, are they. uh, vicious. 

CCK: Um, I think that if they're cornered or they're like angry or fighting over a lady or something, they, they will attack.

They have very tiny arms though, but they have enormous feet and they probably 

ARK: Well that's how they like disbel people. Right? 

CCK: Well, I think those are CA but 

ARK: oh, 

CCK: there, those exist in Australia too. 

ARK: Dear Lord Australia. How [00:23:30] are you even functioning? right now? You guys are 

CCK: hard dingos. heard a Dingo in aluru Yeah, 

ARK: they've also got a lot of cute things there 

CCK: Oh my God. Their posums are, 

ARK: oh my God. I remember the picture that you, took of the possum, 

CCK: on kangaroo that was on kangaroo island. 

ARK: I guess I do have to go to kangaroo, island and just hope not to get disbel. 

CCK: This posum [00:24:00] came and knocked on the back door and was like, Hey, usually when people stay here, they give me snacks.

So we gave them some snacks. 

ARK: Christine. You're probably not supposed to give them 

CCK: wrong. 

ARK: Did you give them plain potato chip? 

CCK: no, those are mine. I think we gave him a piece of whole grain bread, a small chunk of whole grain 

ARK: And that's why he didn't come back the next night. He's like, oh 

CCK: and some apples he's like 

ARK: from California. 

CCK: if I see another [00:24:30] spirulina 

smoothie I'm going lose my crap. 

ARK: What is this ma, 

CCK: Maja 

ARK: come on, man. Um, anything else about the study sister or anything that struck you as interesting? That.

you wanted to point out? 

CCK: No, I thought, I thought it was an interesting study. 

ARK: It was, it was fun to do. the survey 

CCK: And I'm, and I'm not really surprised by the results. 

ARK: I am also not surprised. [00:25:00] Yeah. I, I guess I, I, I am a little curious, I wonder how we would've specifically mm-hmm plotted on the, 


feel like we would have been almost towards the middle.

ARK: Yeah. 

CCK: Like on the extremely conspiratorial versus extremely, I think we would be towards the middle slightly more on the conspiratorial side. 

ARK: I wonder if this is a good way to segue into this month's listener question. 

CCK: [00:25:30] It sounds like a great way. 

ARK: this is from our, our, one of our 

steadfast listener. Miss Deborra befores from Hackensack, New Jersey, 

CCK: man.

Does she do anything except for writing questions to us, 

ARK: Deborra wants to know, are you more of a believer or more of a debunker? 

CCK: This is easy for me. Mm-hmm , I'm [00:26:00] always a bunker. Yeah. But I think it kind of goes along with my personality. Mm-hmm like, I'm a debunker in normal life too. When anyone ever tells me like their hopes or dreams, 

ARK: my God, you're a monster 

CCK: to, I don't mean to, but I'm always like, oh, well that sounds great.

But how are you gonna pay for that? Or like, oh, that sounds great. Except for it's also a terrible idea. . 

ARK: Christine. I made this pudding. It's really good try it. It's really good. It's not I think you're wrong. [00:26:30] 

CCK: No, I like pudding. Geez. No, it's more like, it's more ephemeral stuff that I have problems with. 

ARK: Right. 

CCK: And I think it's just like, I am, I am slightly conspiratorial minded, but I always kind of, at the same time, I really do sort of always go back and forth in trying to see the other side of things.

ARK: Well, 

that [00:27:00] has always been my kind of philosophy when it comes to the idea of, conspiracy theories. Because someone who's cons who's a conspiracy or conspiratorial minded person, they'll look at you and say, Don't just take that mainstream media story at face value. Right. Which I agree with 100%, the thing that it breaks down for me is I'm also not just gonna take the conspiracy [00:27:30] theory story at face value, because if I'm not trusting the stream media, why am I trusting Bob on the internet?


CCK: Plus also, I just feel like, I mean, it's often just, or the rejection of the mainstream story just to reject it, right? Like, like sometimes maybe there are valid elements of proof to the contrary of the mainstream story. 

ARK: I think that there probably is 99% of the time, 

CCK: [00:28:00] but I mean like a, like an obje, like a, an actual, what am I trying to say?

Like the problem is there's the, the mainstream story. Mm-hmm, . and then in contradiction to that, there are arguments against it, but those arguments have absolutely no proof, quite frequent quite frequently.

[00:28:30] would say maybe where that's changing a little is like UFOs, like right. Or UAPs. Right. Because I do think that as information is coming out, you have legitimate videos and photos, the 

ARK: evidence 

CCK: yes. From, or, or not empirical evidence, you have like actual photos. Yeah, exactly. From legitimate resources or, or legitimate sources.

ARK: Mm-hmm . Yeah. And I [00:29:00] think my point is just that just especially, especially nowadays, and especially with the media that we have access to, 

I don't think. that it is completely subjective in the way that it gives you information. And therefore you cannot just [00:29:30] take it, 

CCK: but, but something like, for example, what, how would you feel about something an and I'm gonna say Smithsonian, but, but really, maybe even something more academic mm-hmm like, because with the internet, you can now access a lot of academic studies.

So if there were an academic study on a crypted maybe, or something like that, now that's mainstream media. Would you, would you be inclined to believe [00:30:00] something like that? I mean, Crys is kind of a bad example, cuz how are you gonna, unless you, like, it's hard to disprove something that you don't have.

A sample of 

ARK: right. Well, what, what did we say the other day in California? Cryp DIDs, absence of proof is not, proof of absence, 

CCK: but also to me it also goes the other way. Absence of proof is also not proof of existence. 

ARK: Oh no, totally not [00:30:30] a hundred percent. That that is true. Yes. Yeah. 

CCK: I would say you may be a little more conspiracy minded or, or more of a, 


ARK: I'm a believer.

I, You know, what? I am Fox molder because I want to believe, I want to believe everything. 

CCK: I am Scully because, because I did have red hair in the, in the nineties. 21:14

ARK: Yeah, Yeah, you did. You did.

Mm-hmm [00:31:00] um, Yeah, I want it all to be true. I want there to be crypted and ultra like other dimensions and blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately, sometimes I have a hard time, like, oh, and honestly, I've, I mean, everything really. I have a hard time, like, what's the word I'm looking for? I have a hard time, like, solidifying a belief. [00:31:30] 

CCK: Oh 

ARK: being able to say like 

CCK: too. Open-minded exactly 

ARK: like, I know this, is, I know in my heart of hearts that this is true. 

CCK: Yeah. But I mean, even if you know something in your heart of hearts, unless you have like empirical evidence, 

ARK: I guess what I meant to say is I believe in my heart of hearts, that this is That this is without 

CCK: like, yeah.

Without per you something that you 

ARK: have a, I struggle with my faith, I 

CCK: I a [00:32:00] hundred percent believe that there are. That there is alien life. Yeah. I mean, I have no doubt about that. I mean, I may be wrong. 

ARK: You're right. You're right. So I guess there are some, there Are some things that I, that my faith is strong is strong. in, but yeah, I, I want to be a believer, not a debunker.

CCK: I see. Well, I'm fine being Aker. 

ARK: well, 

CCK: It's what I'm good at. 

ARK: um, Zora befores of Hackensack, New Jersey. I hope that [00:32:30] answered your question and thank you so much for, for reaching out to us. Please continue to do so, um, 

CCK: and greetings to the whole de befores family. 

ARK: That's right. Devora give, Give

our love to your mother. love to your mother. oh, no. wait word to your mother 

CCK: word to your 

ARK: mother. Um,

so [00:33:00] a sister. 

CCK: Yes. speaking of people who have a firm belief in something, 

ARK: of strong, a, such a strong belief that they are willing to put their very life on the line 

CCK: as long as someone else funds it. 

ARK: I imagine this has gotta be expensive. So what we are talking about is that there is currently a Kickstarter campaign by [00:33:30] Kent.

Um, he is wanting to film an expedition, traveling by boat to prove the hollow earth theory. 

Um, he's let's see. Let me get the, sorry. sister. Um, So Kent is 38 years old. He lives in Norway and he's looking [00:34:00] to raise. $23,000, 

CCK: a very specific amount. 

ARK: It is very specific. I'm assuming he is. He has done the math as far as what he needs money to hire a captain with a boat. 

Um, all the necessary supplies that you would need to make the, trip. I think he also had a note in there that part of that money would also be used to pay his rent while [00:34:30] he is traveling to the hollow earth.

Yeah. Cause he can't, you know, he can't give up that apartment or whatever that he has. Um,

Let me get this open. Oh, wait. uh, so from the Kickstarter campaign,[00:35:00] 

this is the, this is the modern day. 

CCK: John Sims. 

ARK: Yeah. 

Yeah. I mean, this is like, he's looking to, he's looking for . a hundred men. 

CCK: Yeah, I was actually, I was looking for, 

ARK: um, 

CCK: I propose, yeah. 

ARK: so this is, this is directly from [00:35:30] Ken's in pain. I live in Norway. I've talked to a professional fisherman from Northern Norway to inquire about the cost of such an expedition to hire a captain with a proper boat. supplies, Salaries not to mention my own rent while gone, et cetera. The realistic estimated cost should, according to him, be around 200,000 Norwegian Croner is it Croner.

Yes. Okay. Or roughly [00:36:00] $23,000. I chose a bit higher of a sum as a safety net to ensure everything required. is there. I also personally thought this would take months, but I was told it could be done in roughly a week. I wonder if that's because the captain's like

he's like, no, no, it's just gonna take a week. because I'm just gonna sail you to the top of the Arctic circle and then sail you right back. 

CCK: well, I thought it was interesting cuz I read his, his write up. [00:36:30] Yes. And one thing that he says is that people have expressed concerns to him that if such a entrance were to exist, that he'd just be turned around and sent back home immediately 

ARK: by military, I 

CCK: think.

ARK: Yeah. 

CCK: And that does seem true. I mean, not to, not to VA believer, but if there is a hollow earth, it's definitely guarded. 

ARK: um, and so this campaign it's, [00:37:00] it's still got 14 days to go So far. It only has three backers 

CCK: Uhhuh 

ARK: he's raised $43. So he's still a little short of that. 

CCK: Oh, 

ARK: $20,000 goal.

Uh, but 14 more days to go. So this is 

CCK: you never know, Elon Musk. If you're listening to this and you wanna help, help Kurt, no Kent, Kent. Do you wanna help Kent out? 

ARK: Yeah. [00:37:30] 


let's Um, He doesn't know if he believes the theory. 

CCK: Oh, interesting. 

ARK: Yeah.[00:38:00] 

CCK: I guess that's why he's not willing to give up his apartment. 

ARK: That's 

right. that's right. he doesn't intend to

go live in the hollow earth 

CCK: if okay. Question for you, 

ARK: sister. Okay. 

CCK: Let's say, let's say Kent raised his money. And then he said I'm gonna have one person who donated to, I mean, I know 

ARK: right?

Like, you know how you get the, 

CCK: like yes. The 

ARK: Yeah. 

The benefits. So if you donate [00:38:30] $10,000, you get to go on. the trip with 

CCK: would you be willing?

I mean, would you want to go on this trip?

you know what a harsh, 

ARK: I know that's what I was gonna say. I'm like, honestly, like one, I don't wanna be stuck on a boat. with a bunch of weirdo that I have to, 

CCK: disorder 

ARK: I have to like, make like friendly conversation. with and stuff like I'm like, 

CCK: And they're [00:39:00] Norwegian. I'm not even sure. 

ARK: Oh, they speak English. 

CCK: Oh yeah. You're 

ARK: you a hundred percent. 

Americans are the only fucking assholes in the world. that like cannot be bothered to learn. a second 

CCK: true. 

ARK: language. Um, yeah, I, I wouldn't wanna be stuck on a boat. Yeah. With people 

CCK: we've been to Greenland. 

ARK: Yes 

CCK: And it was fucking for, it was miserable. It was harsh. It's like a desert with ice on 

ARK: Yeah. It, it really is. That's kind of weird, huh? [00:39:30] Um, 


CCK: one of us fell into the cold Arctic waters with our iPhone.

ARK: um, but we all ripped our pants off with 

CCK: crampons are extremely dangerous. They're those spikes that you wear in your shoes. And all three of us ripped our [00:40:00] cold weather pants by getting our 

ARK: to shreds. We looked like Cher and Bob Mackey from the seventies by the end of that trip. 

CCK: fringe, all over the bottom of our pants. 

ARK: Yeah. Um, yeah, no, that was, but the best Hasting water I've ever had in my life though. 

CCK: Yeah. 

ARK: That would almost drive me on this trip just to like, 

CCK: be able to drink. 

ARK: Yeah. Oh 

CCK: Arctic water. 

ARK: Yeah. Yeah. I don't think 

CCK: I would 

ARK: go [00:40:30] 

CCK: I don't think I would either.

ARK: Um, I will, I would donate in order to receive the footage of the giant penguins in the center of the hollow earth, for sure. no, I don't think, I'm. 

CCK: yeah, I think I'll wait and see. 

ARK: Adventure is not

my middle name. anything else about that. Sister,

CCK: if you were going to fund some [00:41:00] kind of. 

Exploration? Yes. What would you want to try to discover? Like what would, what would be something that you, you would be willing to organize? Like a, like Bigfoot 

ARK: what I honestly, that's the first thing I thought of, but I don't know if that's, like, I'm trying to think if there's something that I would be more interested in.


no, you know what? I would probably wanna fund like,

um, something kind of like, um, I mean, not to, I, I, I swear I wouldn't go full, MK ultra, but I would wanna fund like a study into, um, 

ASL projection or something. 

CCK: Oh, interesting. 

ARK: maybe That's what I would focus on. on. 

CCK: Huh?[00:42:00] 

I like it 

ARK: although the thing about the Bigfoot study, it would be nice to go live in the woods. 


That would be awesome. 

CCK: Yeah. You could go visit all the sighting locations and camp. 

ARK: Yeah. And I I've like, all though, I guess this, someone must have done this already I was gonna say like, okay, if there is big foot out there, right.

Uhhuh, you go, you can for a couple of nights, [00:42:30] like, of course Bigfoot's gonna like avoid you. He can smell, you, you smell different. 

CCK: But what if you have Bigfoot's favorite food 

ARK: cheeses? 

CCK: plain potato 

ARK: chip but if you're living in the forest for an extended. period 

CCK: Oh yeah, yeah, 

ARK: you're gonna, Like your smell is gonna start to become funky.

Well, I mean, I was gonna say you're going You're no longer going to. stand out. as An outsider. You're gonna become [00:43:00] part of the like, environment. Yeah. So you're more likely to have Bigfoot stumble across you by accident. Right. 

CCK: interesting. Or, or do you think Bigfoot's got a great sense of smell? I mean, he is humanoid.

Why would he like don't you think has more like a human level sense of smell? 

ARK: Do great apes. have an enhanced 

CCK: what I was just wondering. I don't know. I bet they do. 

ARK: I bet they do. 

CCK: I mean, [00:43:30] I don't think they're hound dogs, but they're probably, 

ARK: um, yeah, I kind of just assumed that Bigfoot would have an enhanced sense of smell.

CCK: They have a good sense of smell. 

ARK: And how do we

know these exactly. [00:44:00] I'm wondering how 

CCK: also I just discovered that they use Bo as a weapon. 

ARK: same . 

CCK: I mean, I don't mean to use it as a weapon. 

ARK: Um, wait, what would you, what would you raise money to do?

CCK: That's a good question. You know what? I would probably raise money to go like park [00:44:30] myself in the desert somewhere to try to spot a UFO or a UAP. 

ARK: Oh, that's a good, one. yeah, that's a good one. Somewhere with lots of big open sky. Yeah, 

CCK: yeah. And just go park my RV 

ARK: and like that like, 

CCK: and every night, like sleep during the day and in the, at night, just sit on the roof of your 

ARK: Yeah Like on the roof of your IV, staring up in the sky, that's a pretty good one.

CCK: or just to see what you would see. Like if you did that for 30 days, what would you [00:45:00] like? What would you notice about the sky? 

ARK: I swear. It was even that time. I went to Arizona when I had my broken ankle. 

CCK: It's all coming back around. 

ARK: Um, we like, you gotta understand uh we're from San Francisco. Like We don't really get much in the way of sky.


CCK: too much. 

ARK: There's a lot of light pollution. 

CCK: and there's always fog or clouds 

ARK: when we were in Arizona. I think we were there for 4th of July. And so, [00:45:30] um, our uncle or uncle Mikey, he took us out to like go watch fireworks or whatever. And where we were was this big open like feel then everyone just like parked their cars there and it kind of blew my mind.

Like I was actually legitimately scared. Because I've never seen sky like that before. It was crazy. I saw multiple shooting stars. There were so many stars in the sky. It was [00:46:00] so weird. 

CCK: Yeah. I've seen that in New Zealand. Actually, we were in this place, white homo, which is where there's these weird Delo 

ARK: worm. Oh yeah. Yeah. 

CCK: but we went out for a ride at night and it's the darkest I've ever like it, there were no street lamps whatsoever and everything closes down early and the sky was just insane.

ARK: So this is the saddest story ever, which it, again, it comes all back around back to Greenland. you were [00:46:30] on the ice cap. I remember that night when we were trying to go to sleep, I was like, oh my God, I cannot wait. I'm gonna sneak out of my tent just so I can look at the sky, except for that. We were there in summer. So there, was no there was no night sky.

the sun never went down. 

CCK: No, also I couldn't even make it to the bathroom since it was up on a hill. 

ARK: I wasn't gonna, like, I wasn't gonna like wander. far from the tent. I just wanted to stick my head out and look at the sky. And then I realized, oh wait, [00:47:00] there is no night sky. Cause could you imagine what the sky would've looked like up there?

CCK: No. 

ARK: Oh my God. you probably wouldn't able to see Planets and stuff. Like I'm serious. It's amazing. what you can see when you don't have light pollution and fog and SMO and 

CCK: Yeah. 

I guess the answer here is we don't really need to raise money some someday when you have a week off, we should just go to the desert and look up at the sky.

ARK: Exactly. Oh, I would love that. 

CCK: That would be fun. Yeah. [00:47:30] hopefully we don't get eaten by Bigfoot or a Chikara. 

ARK: Um, speaking of. All our favorite Crys I thought that we could take a a personality test. 

CCK: Oh my gosh. 

ARK: Not just 

any are you a sexy bitch? um, this personality test is what kind of, crypted are [00:48:00] you? 

CCK: I'm so excited.

ARK: And this comes from crypted Wiki, which is a fantastic Wiki site for crypted as the name implies 

CCK: Yeah. 

ARK: Um, so we are going to take this. This is a 10 question quiz, and we're gonna take this now. right All right, 

CCK: go. 

ARK: Are you ready? 

CCK: I am ready. 

ARK: Okay. 

CCK: Wait, I'm gonna take it too, right. 

ARK: We're both gonna take 

CCK: it.

[00:48:30] Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, how do you, wait, do you have to, does it, 

ARK: oh, wait a minute. Yeah. hold Is it one of those ones where they're like, if you said mostly a answer? 

CCK: Yeah. Wait, let me look at the bottom here. 

No, it seems like it, it seems like they don't have the,

ARK: hold on. Let me oh, wait,[00:49:00] 

CCK: it doesn't have like the radio buttons, like the other quizzes 

I would become. If you were bitten by a radioactive spider, what do you think would happen to you? This is on a different quiz. I would become Spiderman. What the heck? I hope I don't die or dead. I'm pretty sure if you're bitten, radioactive spider, you're probably not gonna be well[00:49:30] 

ARK: oh, I wonder if it doesn't like. The mobile experience. 

CCK: Oh, 

ARK: Yeah. Test it on there and [00:50:00] It doesn't like the mobile experience. windows.


CCK: The, first question is how big are you? Small sized, [00:50:30] medium sized, average sized above average sized or extra large. 

are we going by height? I know . Let's let's just go by height. 

ARK: I I then I guess small sized. 


Question number two. What is your favorite type of [00:51:00] food? 

A seafood B anything sugary or salty? C barbecue. 

D tropical smoothie or fruit snacks, or E I don't have a favorite.

food. I, mean, it's definitely B for me, 

CCK: um, me too 

ARK: anything sugary And you can just end it right there Anything sugary , 

CCK: but you know what? The weird thing is that wasn't question number two on [00:51:30] here. 

ARK: Oh, it wasn't Oh, sorry, sister. 

CCK: Oh, that's all right. 

I mean, I did find it. Let's see. I also am gonna go with sugary or salty. 

ARK: Yeah, 

CCK: I do like fruit, but I don't like smoothies that much.

What is your ultimate favorite food? 

ARK: Um, cat 

CRE eggs 

CCK: I did say food, but 

ARK: I [00:52:00] mean, that's food. You eat it. 

CCK: Okay. Do others find you good looking? Are you plain looking? All right, but nothing striking average, looking with some nice attributes, good features and sexy, 

ARK: Ooh, 

CCK: incredibly attract. 

ARK: Um, 

I think I'm with all right, but nothing striking. 

CCK: See, I would say average looking with some nice attributes and actually people do say you're sexy.[00:52:30] 

Although river river Bo Bob picked me. 

ARK: Yeah. River boat. Bob did pick you. That is true. 

CCK: Um, I'm gonna go for myself. I'm gonna go with average looking with some nice attributes. 

ARK: Yeah, 

CCK: same, 

or I'll right, but be realistic. 

ARK: Um, all right. I guess average with some nice attributes. 

CCK: Good for you.

[00:53:00] okay. Let's see. How competitive are you prefer not to compete low, key and sensitive, somewhat assertive strong-willed and assertive. Extremely assertive and competitive. I am com prefer not to compete. 

ARK: I would say I am. Low key and sensitive. OK. 

CCK: How would you rate your intelligence? Avoids intellectual pursuits, clever, but prefer [00:53:30] non-intellectual pursuits intelligent, very intelligent out of this world.

Genius level out of this world level genius. 

ARK: Um, I guess intelligent. 

CCK: Okay. I'm gonna go for the same. Hum. That one.

What is you? what is your athletic ability? 

ARK: I broke my ankle. roller skating. 

CCK: None [00:54:00] occasional only play sports, enjoy sports for recreation, play sports, competitively, extremely athletic and agile. 

ARK: I go, none. 

CCK: Really? 

ARK: Yeah. I'm gonna go with none. 

CCK: Okay. I'm gonna go with occasionally plays sports and by sports. I mean walks.

ARK: Yeah. 

Oh, no, I just, go with none. I'm a Nuner 

CCK: I Nuner okay. How much do you like traveling? [00:54:30] Never travels stays close to home. Vacations are fun, but not essential. I love to travel or I've been everywhere. 

ARK: Oh my God. You've been everywhere 

CCK: I have been, but do I love it? I love it. When I'm there. I never wanna go. Yeah. 

ARK: Um, I, I, I think because you you've managed to be everywhere.

That means you like to travel. Yeah. Cuz you've been everywhere. 

CCK: Yeah. 

ARK: I am going to say [00:55:00] I am. I'm torn because I like to think that I love to travel. but I never really travel. 

CCK: but you have, and you seem to, and you planned. 

ARK: I love, I love it. I just never do it. 

CCK: I'm gonna put you down for, I love to 


ARK: Yeah. That's fair. 

CCK: Um, how much time do you spend with friends or family? None. Keep to myself and family prefer the company of small groups of friends, popular and outgoing or extremely outgoing [00:55:30] 

ARK: B keep to myself. and family. 

CCK: Uh,

I'm torn on this one. I do have a small group of friends as do you. 

ARK: Yeah, but I don't,

prefer their company. I would just like to point out

that I do prefer your company. I'm just using the 

CCK: purposes 

ARK: the purpose of this quiz the, the [00:56:00] wording that they 

CCK: you know what I'm gonna go with? Prefer the company, a small group of friends, if for no other reason than to get us different Crys. 

ARK: Okay. Good thinking. 

CCK: Do you look creepy? What, what, why? Yes. Too much. No little bit. 

ARK: I'm gonna go a little bit. 

CCK: You know what?

I'm gonna go a little bit too, cuz I do look like a deranged, a mental patient in all photos that I take. Which crypted do you [00:56:30] like? 

ARK: Ooh, 

CCK: PAC Cobra lock nest monster lock nest monster. 

ARK: lock. 



ARK: a, who? That was the, that was the um, bat, the giant bat. that flew outta that Cape.

Oh Yeah, 

CCK: big foot or the, a flat woods monster.

Wait, flat woods monster. Is that the one? 

ARK: That's the one 

CCK: with the glowing eyes and the, 

ARK: yeah, it kind of looked like a flatworm. [00:57:00] 

CCK: Ew. Like. But human 

ARK: a shaped head. Yes. Yeah. 

CCK: Uh, I'm gonna go with Bigfoot for me. 

ARK: I'll go with a who? That way we can mix it up a little. although I'd probably pick Bigfoot. 

CCK: I'm gonna put you down as Bigfoot, cuz I think we have enough other differences.

ARK: Okay. 

CCK: Your result is

ARK: What the hell is


CCK: you're ELCA. 

ARK: That's a [00:57:30] Jura 

CCK: Yeah. It's looks like a, like a dinosaur. It looks like Alee stack. 

ARK: That's what I was about to say. It looks like Alee. Stag. 

CCK: Okay. Let's see what I am. 

I'm also a 

ARK: wait, go, back. And can you go back and change my Ahoo. to a hu?

Let's see if they give me something different. 

CCK: Okay. Let's see. 57:45

CCK: Chikara look pretty sporty. 

ARK: I agree. Plus you gotta be able to like wrestle down goats and stuff. 

CCK: that's 

ARK: probably not easy. I mean, I've never personally tried it, but it's probably not easy. 

CCK: Okay. Let's see. When we change your answer, last answer to a. 

ARK: mm-hmm 

CCK: You're still a chew buck. A

ARK: of a bitch. 

CCK: I wonder if that's the only choice here. 

ARK: I kind have a feeling.

That's [00:59:00] the only choice. I wonder if it's I bet the height question really 

CCK: dictated Oh, I bet. You're right. Let's try some. Let's try that.

Oh I'm gonna put you down as very intelligent.[00:59:30] 

ARK: Wow. I guess all Jupa covers are kind of look like SL stacks. Like I'm looking at various, uh, artist renditions [01:00:00] of ju Picas and they all kind of look like SLT stacks. 

CCK: This time you got the Lochness monster. 

ARK: Ooh. I do love to swim 

CCK: you too. You know what? I think it's entirely based on size. 

ARK: I agree. I bet. If you say that you're whatever the above average.

size, they probably give you Bigfoot. Yeah. 

CCK: If you put in, I mean, we can't say this for sure. You still may wanna take this quiz. 

ARK: You should definitely take this 

CCK: but we both came out as too. [01:00:30] 

ARK: Um, and actually as part of our, um, as part of our thesis statement, we'll be conducting a survey to, to find out the correlation, between your, um, Crypted personality.

And your attachment style? 

CCK: Yeah, cheaper cobras. Don't look very cuddly. 

ARK: Let's see. So PAC Chabra. 

renowned for its attacks on livestock. [01:01:00] The name is Spanish for goat sucker.

um, I like CPAC cobras because I feel like of all the cryp DIDs, like they are the ones that I think uh, most average people are prepared to believe in even more than big Bigfoot. Really. Really? Yeah.

I [01:01:30] think because 

CCK: they're smallish. 

ARK: Yeah. Cuz they're smallish. And like I think when you have an, like, I do think that from time to time, your livestock just like shows up dead. 

CCK: That 

ARK: true. And so it's kind of like, 

CCK: is it aliens? 

ARK: right. It's easier to make the little jump of like, well, something killed this. livestock, You know, 

CCK: that's true. And as we discussed before, there are a lot of species that have only been discovered within the 20th century, [01:02:00] 21st century.

ARK: And there was that coyote that they found recently that for a while they were legit, like, we don't know 

CCK: wait, did you see what they, the DNA test turn came out. 

ARK: She was a hundred percent that bitch 

CCK: coyote

Well, no, that's what I was gonna make the same joke, but, but the results came back, but I couldn't, I didn't the article. It 

ARK: It was coyote. with manege. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, 

I thought [01:02:30] that was gonna be the end of it. 


No, no, that's okay. I was just in my head. I was like, oh, this might be a good 

CCK: to, oh no, that's a good ending.

Oh, okay. Did I interrupt you when you say that? I don't think I did. 

ARK: Oh, I don't think you did. 

CCK: Okay. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's good. I think that, I think that's good.