The Paranoid Style Podcast

The Extemporaneous Style # 2 - Disclosure

C.C. Kark Season 1 Episode 13

Welcome to the Paranoid Style Podcast! It's that time again. Time for us to throw our carefully compiled notes and our dignity to the wind and present you with our second episode done in the Extemporaneous Style #2 - This time it's disclosure! We delve into the teeny, tiny UAP report from the American Government. We also discuss our brand new logo, Cosmic Zoo Theory, and our ability to keep secrets. From alien cats to tin-foil hats. From ODNI to 3AF. From Oumuamua to the Black Knight. It's still Alien August so we're keeping it EXTRA...terrestrial that is!

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Our awesome new logo was drawn by Malcolm Johnson. Please check out more of his amazing art on Instagram:

Music used in this episode is from: Purple Planet Royalty Free Music  

Opening theme music provided by Tony Molina. You can hear more of his music at

We at the Paranoid Style Podcast can barely do math... but, if you are interested in becoming a Software Development Leader that will literally be helping to locate Extraterrestrial Technological Civilizations, apply for a fellowship with the Galileo Project!

[00:00:00] Something that have little Illuminati, and these kind of, you know, devil worship and de mohrenschildt came from a rich Noble, family of Minx mints.

[00:00:14] Jerry Lewis. Hey, you lady start from Serbia to start from Serbia fudge-like. Like, you know, [00:00:24] the the I was faking it for the podcast. Hey sister, Hey sister. And hey again [00:00:34] listeners, welcome back friends. This is officially our second extemporaneous style. We didn't get any complaints.

Next time or listeners or [00:00:44] listeners. So I assume that means we're free to do another one. Why not? I mean no one can stop us until you start sending us emails to complain. We're gonna get [00:00:54] doing placentas from emails were very lonely. But first things first, I do want to gush about our new logo. It is beautiful. So [00:01:04] I had originally done the logo just using colored pencils of two cats, wearing tinfoil hats. Yeah, speaking to each other.

Other about conspiracy theories [00:01:14] and then I gave my child like drawing to a real artist a San Francisco artist named Malcolm Johnson, and I asked him, if he wouldn't mind [00:01:24] doing a real artistic rendition of my design which he did and he knocked it out of the park and I think it looks so cool. It does. [00:01:34] And there's like a lot of really fun little details that you can look for like the kitties are in front of their conspiracy corkboard. That's what you, my

Hard. I wasn't expecting [00:01:44] the corkboard. Yeah, which I really ended up. Liking brilliant. Oh, so Malcolm Johnson. If you want to see more of his art and I highly recommend you do. Yes, definitely his ladies [00:01:54] who rocked. So, anyways, if you want to see more of his work and you do, you can go to Instagram. He is 105 putty. So that's 105 P. [00:02:04] UT T. Why do you think that's a reference to a racer? I didn't until now but I think you're right. Yeah, it's just a car.

To me right now. Yeah, so Malcolm Johnson, [00:02:14] great artist. Thank you for the logo. We love it. He's probably. Why would, why would, why would he be, do we want to talk about those conspiracy [00:02:24] minded? Kitties, lady bunny is the orangish the creamsicle colored kitty and then our dearly departed, Kiki your dearly departed, Kiki, who was a [00:02:34] one of the best cats that ever existed and be was possibly an alien from another planet. That is true because

Just kind of showed up one day [00:02:44] out of nowhere and she acted really weird kind of take me to your leader. Ish. The first time I saw her she was there's [00:02:54] this weird little back window we have. And there was this old desiccated tree out there. And she was in sitting in the little tree doing. [00:03:04] I don't know why I think she was trying to make her way to a nest of bird eggs. That was also in that tree. Hi. Yeah, I think she's gonna say,

Suck the yolk Sac. [00:03:14] Then I later saw. You're digging a hole in the garden to eat. Grubs is yeah. Yeah, so she was just this little skinny flea-ridden weirdo who just came [00:03:24] out of nowhere. Yeah, and then entered our heart and stayed with us forever and ever. And I love that cat, Kiki and since she was an alien and she was [00:03:34] very conspiracy conspiracy minded. I think it made sense that she would be representative of two.

It is talking about conspiracy [00:03:44] theory and Lady Bunny's there, because they think she's more just like sort of an open-minded weirdo, but not necessarily conspiracy minded. Okay. [00:03:54] I thought she was just for looks. She is quite a lecture. She's sometimes called the Golden. Walrus. That is [00:04:04] what our logo is represent. Yeah, and then they will hats. Yes. And which is like the international symbol for

Spira, see there really is, [00:04:14] I do think of tinfoil hats with conspiracy theories, me playing. I didn't realize how much the internet does. Like. I searched tinfoil hats the other day and the every picture was [00:04:24] related to conspiracy theory. We all accept it. Yeah, as being the international symbol for conspiracy theorist it where you did come exactly. Where did it come from? Like why? [00:04:34] Why did we start to accept that as like? Oh, yeah. That's what that means. Well, I'm going to tell you where it came from. It came from a hell of a racist.

1926 short story [00:04:44] called the tissue culture, King, which was by Julian Huxley. He was a professor of zoology at King's College London and brother to the much more well-known author, [00:04:54] Aldous Huxley of Brave, New World, and Julian Huxley Story, the tissue culture King. It's rather difficult to get into. Although it presents some interesting [00:05:04] Concepts that seem especially interesting for a 1926 but it is a white scientist gets kidnapped.

Out in The Jungle by an African [00:05:14] tribe and it's very problematic for a number of reasons. Julian Huxley himself was the president at one point of the British Eugenics [00:05:24] society, which is no bueno and Eugenics is the belief and practice that the human race can be improved by basically editing [00:05:34] out, certain genetic traits and back in 1926 that was achieved by preventing reproduction by certain people.

Deemed to be inferior. And [00:05:44] this is a white British man. So you can imagine what that looks like. But in the story, this scientist is in the jungle, he's got a bunch of guides with him, [00:05:54] and they're walking through the jungle and he sees a two-headed Toad, and he gets very excited. So he goes to try to get the two-headed toad, which hops off into the bushes. [00:06:04] And when he's like, digging around in the bushes. He sees members of this tribe and the guy that he sees I

Leave as a giant. There's also [00:06:14] fold two small. I do not read this thing. I tried. But as a wise woman, once said, I'm too old to read books that I'm just not interested. Yes. Well, I mean, it's [00:06:24] not quite a book if I mean anything, Pages, anything. If your pamphlet is not interesting to me, I'm giving up two words, and I'm sorry. And yeah, but, you know, in [00:06:34] your defense, I literally started this thing three different times. And I was just like, I don't think I can, but it's only 10 pages long. So I

Anyway, he stumbles through the bushes [00:06:44] and he sees a giant, who's captured the toad in a little grass basket and he worships him. Yes, and he's worthy a first. He worships a stone that's on [00:06:54] this Altar and then he puts the tote on the Altar and he worships the toe. And then he replaces the stone. He's peeking through the bushes. Looking at this guy. So at that point they're [00:07:04] set on by the tribe and this scientist is taken to the village and he sees a bunch of fantastical.

People, so there's the Giants who [00:07:14] are over 8, feet tall. And then, there are some people who are more normal stature. And then there are very small people. And then there are incredibly obese people. [00:07:24] The descriptions of the people are really 1926 like grotesque like, did very grotesque, the descriptions. Yes, [00:07:34] if it did well yesterday in the task. Yeah. In the background, in this Village. He sees a white guy.

Walking from one one of the [00:07:44] buildings to another like a quote-unquote normie. Yes for him. He's like, oh my God, one of me. He's taken to meet the head of the tribe, the king, and the King's [00:07:54] helper Boog Allah. The guy comes up to him and says, I'm a scientist named Bascomb. And here's where things get really wild and wacky is this where the Society [00:08:04] of obese Vestal virgins comes in? Yes. Okay, that's part of it. So it turns out hascomb. Got to this tribe, the same way that

That this other guy did the narrator [00:08:14] of the story. He was walking through the jungle. He was doing some experiments. He got kidnapped and brought into the tribe and he had been there for 10 years. But what he [00:08:24] has done, is he analyzed the tribe and he discovered that they worship the king. But they don't just worship him as a king. They worship his [00:08:34] body. So they're very body focus. Yeah, so he comes up with this grand scheme to make himself useful.

That he's going to do tissue [00:08:44] cultures of the king of this tribe to increase the Kang. Okay. So he takes skin samples from the King and [00:08:54] he's able to grow them in cultures and increase the king. And then people in the village, can own a piece of the king. If you got this tissue culture of the king, there [00:09:04] were things you had to do to keep it alive. So you get to actually participate in keeping the king alive, but in order to get a sample of the can

You have to hand over like some cattle [00:09:14] or a daughter or you know, something like that at a certain point he expands from just increasing the Kings volume to making all these weird mutants [00:09:24] because the tribe also worships the strange like the two-headed toad. I am speaking. Yes, exactly. So he starts [00:09:34] to basically do genetic engineering. Yeah to increase whatever strange traits the people have so there's Giants he makes

Even bigger Giants. Then [00:09:44] he makes the obese Vestal virgins and to keep them truly virgins. He basically clones them so that they never have to have sex to reproduce. [00:09:54] He's like cloning these Bristol virgins. Another part of his experimentation has comb is. He's been trying to do group hypnosis and telepathy [00:10:04] on the entire Village. The other Englishman who's been captured really wants to escape. Yeah. He doesn't want to be here for 10 years, like Haskell.

I mean, who could blame [00:10:14] ya, the Englishman who has just recently been kidnapped, convinces him to try to escape and to do this. They hypnotize the entire tribe and send [00:10:24] them a telepathic. Message to go to sleep for 24 hours. Basically begala who's the advisor to the king. He figures out at the last minute. [00:10:34] What's going on? He and he tries to fight it but he also falls deep into a sleep. There's a line from the story. Finally, getting around to the end.

Certain part the reader will perhaps, [00:10:44] ask how we ourselves expected to escape from the clutches of the superconsciousness. We had created. Well we had discovered that metal was relatively impervious [00:10:54] to the telepathic effect and had prepared for ourselves a sort of 10 Pulpit behind which we could stand. While conducting experiments this combined with caps [00:11:04] of metal, foil enormously reduce the effects on ourselves. So while they were hypnotizing the entire tribe to go to sleep, they

They were tinfoil hats to protect [00:11:14] them cells from the sleepy sleepy command. There have been studies done on radio cellular satellite signals on [00:11:24] people wearing tinfoil hats and it actually tends to increase, which kind of things that's because it does Doctor. Metal is a conductor, [00:11:34] it does. If I think the original idea was that you would be creating a faraday cage. Oh, that also makes sense, though, but

That requires an enclosed [00:11:44] metal. You'd need a full metal suit to wear face masks and everything. Yes, you'd need to be completely enclosed plus. Also, I [00:11:54] don't think radio waves work the same. I mean, like a faraday. Cage is used for electricity not radio signals, but I don't know anything about science. So I don't know how [00:12:04] that works. But basically, the idea was that it was going to act as a faraday cage for your brain. Okay, but Dad is an incorrect hypothesis because it's not an

closed. I mean, you're wearing a hat, [00:12:14] your head is still mostly eggs, right? It is sort of interesting, the idea that they're protecting themselves from the superconsciousness [00:12:24] that they created themselves. Well, spoiler alert, if you really are invested in the tissue culture King, you might want to skip the next 10 seconds because I'm going to tell you [00:12:34] how it ends. Okay, they escaped. Everyone's asleep. They're walking through the forest. They're carrying a lot of heavy bag. Joe gets struck by lightning.

It's their metal. Oh, [00:12:44] because they're stupid because they took off their tinfoil hats and disposed of them because it was too heavy. I mean, what was the sinful like, this must [00:12:54] have been some high-grade aluminum as they're walking through the jungle, to try to get to some place where they can find some help, they start offloading supplies, and they for some reason [00:13:04] also threw away their little tinfoil hats Boog Allah wakes up from his Slumber and uses the telepathic.

Like connection, that the village has [00:13:14] to call to Hask home and command him to come back to the village. And he's not wearing his tinfoil hat. So it works. So has come says, I can't go on. I've got to go back, [00:13:24] that's the end of the story, the other guy escapes, he ends up even though he's in a deep Funk because he was also tough being telepathically communicated with. So he feels bad about leaving [00:13:34] hascomb when he gets back to London, but he's in a deep depression and then he writes the story. That's the end.

Not in [00:13:44] the context of the Amy, not as part of the story, maybe later. I mean, he did say he was very depressed, but interesting.

Since we designated [00:13:54] August alien, August, I figured it'd be appropriate to talk about something, alien related. I guess I should say UAP related [00:14:04] that's been in mainstream news a lot lately. And that is back on June 25th, right? June 25th, the office [00:14:14] of the Director of National Intelligence, also known as odni released, their preliminary assessments on.

You APS [00:14:24] or unidentified aerial phenomena or as the Layman might refer to it UFOs unidentified flying object and [00:14:34] back in June before it even came out you had mentioned a, we should read it and talked about it and I was actually very scared because I thought [00:14:44] I was going to have to read some kind of 4,000 page report, right? But you know what it was shorter than that, goddamn, Julian Huxley.

Short story [00:14:54] that was like, 10 pages. And this was nice. Yeah, I was a little disappointed. I was too. This is kind of weird. At least. I think it's weird. I guess it's not. I guess I know how the government kind of work, [00:15:04] so I shouldn't be surprised. Okay. So back in December 2020, the government put together a two point three trillion dollar package, which was primarily [00:15:15] for covid-19 relief for the country. So, you know, that's where our stimulus checks came from and that's

The PPP stuff, right, you know was [00:15:25] set up to like help businesses stay open. It was to keep the government from shutting down. But as part of that package there was this little piece of bacon [00:15:35] or whatever you call it, right? That said that they wanted someone to look through military specifically Navy and Air Force [00:15:45] sightings or experiences with you APS and come to some sort of conclusion or assessment as to what

What is happening? That is interesting? I wonder how [00:15:55] that got slipped in there. I think it was. What's that dick faces?

Florida Rubio. Oh Rubio. Yeah, I think [00:16:05] it was kind of Rubio's like I think you're right. I remember reading that. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure there's there's probably there is another reason. Yes, there is ulterior motives. I'm [00:16:15] sure or maybe he just wants to know where he came from. You're not, maybe I'll die. Be sponsored by big alien. So that's how that got snuck in there, which is why we got [00:16:25] this 9 page 9. Paid me. UAP preliminary assessment. So I think that means since its

Limitary what I assume is that either [00:16:35] Congress has received a much larger report or do they also only receive the nine page report? And then based on that 9 page report [00:16:45] they put if they want to. They push few additional. Yeah. I'm not worried or did they actually get I want to see. They got something bigger. Yeah. I do think they got something bigger. [00:16:55] So it was released on June 25th. They only looked at a hundred and forty-four reports that were made before.

Between 2004 and 2021. And actually [00:17:05] they have not had a good reporting system in place until a couple of years ago. Yeah, which seems crazy because there's been like there was a huge number of UFO [00:17:15] sightings in 1952. I mean, it started earlier and then that with Kenneth Arnold but in 1952 the number jumped up and there was there was [00:17:25] a Life Magazine feature. And there were reports of lights over the White House. I mean

Like at that point they would have gone you know it maybe we need some kind of intake. [00:17:35] Well, here's what's even crazier forget, your average citizen site. These are people flying like yes military jets in the sky. They [00:17:45] don't have a system in place to be like, hey, I saw something funky after the yes, please tell us everything because that is potentially. Yeah. What do you mean by funky? [00:17:55] It's super weird that it wasn't until recently that they had a good system in place. Allegedly. I mean, you know,

It's not one that they were willing to share. Maybe they did right. I bet a lot of it also [00:18:05] is like if you're a pilot or a you know, Navy person sailor. I don't know. What do you call them? If you're a military [00:18:16] personnel, you might not feel comfortable. Going to my brass to tell them like, hey, I saw something that I don't know what it was right? I mean if you're flying a super expensive, [00:18:26] military plane and you saw something legitimately saw something, but then our

Going to start questioning, whether you're capable of handling, a military, exactly [00:18:36] military. So I bet a lot like those hundred and forty, four reports. I wonder how many people never came forward even though they maybe had an experience that they thought deserve to [00:18:46] be reported, but they didn't feel comfortable themselves. That was swamp, gas. That was a weird bird. That was a strange Cloud. That was a slowly [00:18:56] deflating balloon. So one of the takeaways from this report that I thought was kind of interesting.

Is that they had these categories in, which you APS could be [00:19:06] categorized under the first one and probably the one. You'd think. Most things would end up in is Airborne clutter examples of Airborne clutter, our balloons [00:19:17] recreational, unmanned. Aerial, Vehicles AKA drones like and nowadays. Nowadays, anyone could get a drone debris, like plastic bags. And now [00:19:27] little was that American Beauty style floating place.

Big bag, but one of the things that struck me as just kind of disrespectful and rude. Quite [00:19:37] frankly, an example of Airborne clerk Birds. Yeah, I mean birds are airborne clutter. I was very offended by that on behalf. My first. [00:19:47] I mean, it's I feel like they should have gotten their own category. Natural naturally. Occurring animal is naturally occurring I do. [00:19:57] Yeah, clutter clutter Airborne clutter. They are no better.

Than a plastic bag floating in the van. When Katy Perry sang that song. She was [00:20:07] talking to all of birds out there. Some of the other categories, they have our natural atmospheric phenomenon. I assume that means you're swamp, gas, ice, crystals, [00:20:17] you know, weird Cloud. Yeah, exactly, lenticular clouds. That one came up a lot in a different thing. We'll talk about later. There's also USG or industry [00:20:27] development programs. Does that mean like stuff that the United States is working?

You know, yeah. That that's what it but possibly not military. It could also be like a millionaire [00:20:37] you'll on Mike. Yeah. Coming off Rockets or shopping. Okay, Jeff buzzes giant penis rocket. There's for an adversary systems. That's pretty self-explanatory. This might be Technologies [00:20:48] or aircraft that have been deployed by any foreign Nation, that's capable of building that kind of craft and then there's other which is the junk drawer of the [00:20:58] uaap world. Other like if it's not a

Bird or a plastic bag. It's going in other. If it ends up in the other that means it really truly is [00:21:08] an unidentified object or unidentified phenomenon. Yes, there may be a report and they figure out it was some bird cluttering up the sky [00:21:18] in which case that's no longer unidentified. But then this other category is for everything else. That can't be explained by some other category. In this 9 [00:21:28] page report. There was only one thing.

It did not end up in that other category. Well, actually, I don't even know if they categorized it one way or the other, but there [00:21:38] was one thing that they had a high confidence. Yeah. Was just a large deflating balloon, right? I thought that that was weird because in a nine page report, they mentioned [00:21:48] that one twice. Yeah. Well, they were so my God. I mean, they were highly confident in 18 incidents. The object that was observed was described as having [00:21:58] unusual movement, patterns or flight.

Interest expense. So it wasn't going with the wind. It seemed to have some kind of agency of its own or it was super fast [00:22:08] State. Tort was zigzagging out or it was 18 out of 20 1 out of 10, 21 reports, 18 of them were found to have this like unusual movement. [00:22:18] Okay, so they started with a hundred and forty-four. Yeah, they categorized everything. They were left with 21 that they couldn't figure out what it was of those [00:22:28] 18 were behaving in a strange way.

It's and the other thing I thought was interesting that they said they said it was not a foreign collection program of these things [00:22:38] that they saw all they know. It's not a bird. It's not a plane. It's not a plane from a foreign country. Yeah, you know, it's interesting because one of the things [00:22:48] I thought about is How likely would they be to identify something as foreign technology, even if [00:22:58] they knew it was foreign technology. I don't mean to be

Territorial here on our conspiratorial podcast. When they say they could tell it wasn't a foreign thing. How? I mean if you don't [00:23:08] know what it is, how can you tell that it's not because it didn't say China made in China. It had no sticker. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know anything. I, yeah, [00:23:18] I mean, I don't know either. I guess it's kind of fun. The government had to put it out there and be like, yeah, we've seen some crazy things which we actually didn't talk about this but [00:23:28] some of the events that prompted this yeah.

Were videos that were leaked online of footage taken from the [00:23:38] cockpit of a Navy fighter jet? Yeah. Where the pilots had no idea what they were looking at, right? I think I saw one that was looks like a radar [00:23:48] screen and you could see these little blips like these little blips of light suddenly emerging from a larger. That was the one from San Diego. Yes. I think [00:23:58] that was San Diego like from a larger ball of light. I'm not sure this

This is where to introduce this information. I was thinking, I'm an alien. I've developed the did. [00:24:10] Hey, I'm a lizard person. That's why I'm always so cold. Okay, so I'm an alien. I have the technology to get me to Earth. [00:24:20] Why don't I just land on the grass of the National Mall and come out and say, hey everybody. I mean like [00:24:30] why? Because I

Shut up in the face, but I have technology that can allow me to travel through space. Oh, but you have time, I don't see that. Stop [00:24:40] you from getting shot in the face. I mean, I hope I do after going all that way. I mean, I assume if I'm from a super developed civilization that has [00:24:50] got this kind of crazy technology to allow for travel. I mean, beyond the speed of light, presumably then I don't have a bulletproof Shield. [00:25:00] We run a hypothetical

Okay. Okay. Okay. I want you. Yeah, to get in a shark cage. Okay. And go down under the ocean in a shark cage. [00:25:10] All right, amongst sharks. Okay. We're on vacation in. Okay. All right. All right. Okay. Are you doing that activity? Yes. Okay. I misjudge I would have guessed that. [00:25:20] That would be an activity that you would put the kibosh on that. You'd be like, no, not doing it. I think I'd be frightened. I think someone would have to talk me into it. Yeah, but I do think [00:25:30] it's worth doing.

Bubbly, okay, by that account, then, as an alien, it should be worth putting yourself in the, yes. You've brought up an [00:25:40] interesting point because just throw a bunch of stuff that sticks because in 1973, there was an MIT radio [00:25:50] astronomer. Whatever that is John Ball. He published a paper that talked about his Cosmic Zoo Theory. So [00:26:00] his Cosmic Zoom

The theory is kind of like the Star Trek prime directive. It's in a way and basically it is that aliens [00:26:10] have developed to the point that they can reach the Earth. And they may be visible on like radar or someone may occasionally see them. But really, [00:26:20] what they're doing is they're just looking at earth and its inhabitants and they aren't interfering. Whether for altruistic means [00:26:30] because they don't want to

Influence the technology of a society or because they're just like, oh my God, look at these idiots. Let's go to Earth, and look [00:26:40] at the idiot set, everything on fire, and melt the ice caps, and it's like totally hilarious. If there was alien life that's coming to the Earth. Maybe some of [00:26:50] them are just here because they just want to look at humans or other creatures on Earth and like check it out and see what's going on. Or maybe they're just like want to look at the scenery even [00:27:00] and then maybe there.

Our ones who are slightly more altruistic and want to see how we're developing or maybe there's some freaking tissue culture scientist who just [00:27:10] want to do weird experiments on us, right, but they don't want to be found out and I mean all of that makes sense because you can find all of that within the human race as well. Some [00:27:20] people want to go into the shark cage and be amongst the Sharks, right? Some people want to watch sharks on Shark Week on TV and some people want to cut a shark open and see what they can [00:27:30] do. So it makes sense.

That you'd also get the same range in extraterrestrial. Visitors around 70 years ago. There was a physicist, Enrico Fermi. [00:27:40] Who asked the question. Where is everybody? He estimated that any society colonizing the entire Milky Way, would probably only need a few tens of millions of [00:27:50] years to do it, which is nearly a thousand times shorter than the age of the Galaxy. So why haven't we heard from them? His thought was maybe they've tried to communicate with us, and we just haven't [00:28:00] been able to get there.

Messages because we don't speak their language yet or we're not sophisticated enough to pick up their language, but the cosmic Zoo Theory also addresses that Fermi [00:28:10] question and because maybe they don't want to talk to us. Yeah, for me to get to that hypothesis, that there's some civilization which in a few tens of millions of years, could be sophisticated [00:28:20] enough to get to earth. He used this equation called Drake's equation, and Frank Drake was an American astronomer and astrophysicist born in 1930 [00:28:30] was

One of the founders of the seti experiments of the attempts to contact extraterrestrial life and he worked on a project called project [00:28:40] ozma, which was named after the queen of Oz and L. Frank Baum's fantasy books. Frank Drake came up with this equation that says, okay, human life [00:28:50] started as a single-celled organism crawling out of the primordial. Ooze. How long did it take to get from that to where we are today? And then he takes that extrapolation [00:29:01] and

It says, instead of starting, when human life started. What if it had like thousands of years on us, right? Like, where would they be technologically? Yeah, so that's where they came up with the concept [00:29:11] of that. There might be some alien life form that has been alive for a few tens of millions of years. And at that point, should be technologically sophisticated enough [00:29:21] to get to earth, which would be challenging. Because even if there are life-forms, estimates show that intelligent life might be as far away as Orion's Belt, that's

[00:29:31] To 2,000, light-years away our current rockets that we have here on Earth that we're aware of. I mean, there may be something a little bit more sophisticated, but it would take 20 [00:29:41] million years to get there. Let's say you are a sentient life-form on another planet. Do you really want to get to? ER? I mean, then there's the other concept that there is no [00:29:51] other life. But us it's possible that there's no life. That's like us but there's definitely life. The Kepler satellite says

[00:30:01] Sort of what you were talking about. It was a satellite launched in 2009 and it stayed in business for nine point six years before they moved it to Safe orbit, but [00:30:11] they confirmed over five hundred and thirty thousand stars and 2,600 planets and one in every six of those Stars hosts a planet hospitable [00:30:21] to life. Okay. Can you do that math for me? Hmm? No, wait, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Okay, we're gonna do this together. Okay, we're gonna go slowly. We're going to walk through it and [00:30:31] we're gonna

Make this happen. Should okay. Math pot. We should definitely tell me again. Hit me again. Okay, so they confirmed over five hundred and thirty thousand [00:30:41] stars. That could be like our sun. Okay. And around those various Stars, they discovered 2600 planets. I assume that [00:30:51] these are of a certain Dimension that they qualify as planets because I'm sure they discovered more moons and little bits of you know, orbiting debris and stuff like, right? [00:31:01] But

So 2600 planets. And what they said is one in every six of those five hundred and thirty thousand stars hosts a planet hospitable to life. I [00:31:11] mean, let's even just round it down to 80 thousand stars have a planet. Orbiting them that could potentially get in the realm of an earthlike situation as mentioned [00:31:21] in our alien visitation episode. If you believe in panspermia theory, yes, then any one of those comets or meteors could have landed.

[00:31:31] On any of those planets or some different kind of spur Mia. Not this permeate that created us but something that creates yellow green or whatever It Liam's like the planet was [00:31:41] hospitable, but it was it was more hospitable for things that prefer a different kind of clam like what it creatures or something. Yeah. I like that Cosmic [00:31:51] Zoo because that kind of answers for me or is the potential answer for me if there's all these planets that could potentially host life. And there's some intelligence that could

[00:32:01] could be sophisticated enough to maybe create a craft that has been seen here on Earth or could get to earth then? Why why don't why haven't I ever seen one? Basically?

[00:32:13] I mean, don't my eyesight is really bad. But then again, I guess the other thing is if you look at the sky, it's pretty big. You have to be looking in one particular point at exactly [00:32:23] the right moment in order to see a spacecraft. So it's maybe not surprising that more people don't see them. I know the odd knee preliminary assessment was kind [00:32:33] of a lackluster lackluster. Yeah, but in France, yes, there was a study on you ap's conducted by a French.

Each committee [00:32:43] called Sigma 2. Ooh, that sounds official and they are part of a group known as 3af which stands for three as fuck. We all know that way. [00:32:53] French aeronautical and astronautical Association. Okay, and this is an association. That's made up of aeronautical Engineers. Radar Engineers, scientists [00:33:04] military personnel, and they are report. I think that their report is over 360 pages.

Wow in French, yes, [00:33:14] but they also were very kind to release a 20-page summary summary of their findings and FYI America. And dude. [00:33:24] This report is so much fun. This 20-page report. There's pictures diagrams or they'll show you like this is considered a Tic Tac shape. This is considered a pyramid [00:33:34] shape. This is what a lenticular cloud looks like. That would have been really useful for the United States just because because I know so little about

Oh, about those phenomenon, [00:33:44] that would have been interesting to blame the logo. This is what a bird looks like. It's basically Sky garbage. Okay, just get over yourself. No alien wants to come [00:33:54] visit. You. All right, hon. The other thing I thought was interesting about that French study is that they looked at cases going back to I think 1951 now. See that [00:34:04] is interesting because as you mentioned, yeah in 1952, there was like a rash of sightings in 1947. That's when you have some of the biggest

UFO sightings in American history [00:34:14] because that's when the Kenneth Arnold sighting happens. That's when Roswell happens, but I do think it's interesting that for France. They went back, they went way back. They looked at everything that they had. Do, you know was it just [00:34:24] French experience? It's where they looked at the world wide phenomenon worldwide phenomenon and they specifically worked side by side with the Chilean equivalent. [00:34:34] Okay? Of this 3af, which I did not write down. I don't remember what the name is, but basically their biggest UFO research.

Group, I will just leave you with [00:34:44] this, which was there. Basically their last line on the whole thing, which is to the question. Do the UAP exist. We leave it to the reader to judge, but the [00:34:54] answer is yes. And multiple and even changing forms during observations progress. Will come from the collection and sharing of data, as well as the interest of scientists in confronting [00:35:04] the laws and theories. Understudy. Yeah, which I'm like, yes, that's all I wanted because that's what I believe and I think that's

33 percent of American. [00:35:14] Yeah, as of 20, 1968 percent of Americans. I love Kelly else, they make it sound so smart. 68% of Americans believe [00:35:24] that the government knows more about UFOs than they're saying. Yeah. I mean, I a hundred percent agree with that, even if it's that. Oh, we know that this is some super think tank in the United States [00:35:34] that has created this crazy-ass drone exactly what we don't want to say anything. If you're part of that 68% where you're like, I know the government knows more than

Than they're telling me, but you still [00:35:44] want those answers. Then you have something to look forward to perhaps, because, in Harvard, they have started something called the Galileo project, huh? And [00:35:54] the Galileo project began in July, on July 26th. The day after the report was okay. See ya. And their objective is to search for evidence of extraterrestrial [00:36:05] civilizations and they want to do it in a systematic scientific way.

Opposed to just relying on accidental. [00:36:15] Observations. Will, you know, which is when you're like, oh my God, I saw something weird in the sky. Yeah, they want to actually do this scientifically. It's three-pronged that scientific [00:36:25] method that they've come up with is three-pronged one Birds. They're looking at, obtaining high resolution images of you AP. And the way they're doing that is that they have [00:36:35] small aperture telescopes all around the world at various Geographic locations. They are

Typically interested in finding a mu, [00:36:45] a mu L, like Interstellar objects. Now, if you remember in 2017, there was this thing, an object that was they have reason [00:36:55] to believe that this object came from without the solar system. Right? So because I'm outside of the Milky Way. Exactly. Like because of on trajectory or whatever like they know. [00:37:05] It did not come from within the Milky Way. Yeah without and they called it a mu. A mu ha. It didn't have a Comet Tail, which is why they don't think

Was a comet. They don't think it was a meteor because [00:37:15] it at one point, it changed speed. Like it looked like it got to push. But without that Comet Tail, they don't know how that's possible that it could have possibly had this burst of [00:37:25] speed, that's interesting, and they believe that it's brightness changed. Obviously. Anything that's lit up in the sky is only lit up because of the light that's reflecting [00:37:35] from the sun. Right? Yeah. So the fact that this thing looked like its brightness was actually changing is another reason.

That they didn't know what it was. So that's the other thing. They're specifically [00:37:45] looking for a form or objects that are like this and Moolah Moolah. I looked it up because I was curious to see what a MOA MOA means. It means Scout. It's a Hawaiian [00:37:55] term for scout. So that actually fits in with this third part of their study, which is there searching for potential e TC which [00:38:05] again is stands for extraterrestrial technological civilizations. So they're searching for potential, etc' satellites.

Hitting the Earth that may be exploring the Earth. [00:38:15] Did you read at all about? The Black Knight satellite? No conspiracy theory. Anytime. I read something about tried to find information about black night. I read something else contradicting. [00:38:25] The other thing that I read so. So I'll start out by saying that NASA says that this thing that people are calling the Black Knight satellite, which is orbiting the Earth in [00:38:35] a near polar orbit, which is around the pool table in the bottom, right? Instead of orbiting around.

Sound like the Equator. So they're saying [00:38:45] that this thing is a piece of ass piece of debris from the IAS. That was lost during a mission. So it's a, it's a, some kind of cover for [00:38:55] something that they say, came off of the International Space Station. The astronaut was covering something up and the pin didn't go in all the way and this thing floated off the [00:39:05] IAS and is now floating around in space. Did a Gore and piece of my ship. Just exactly.

That other people have equated, [00:39:15] this thing that they have pictures of with stuff that was seen in the eighteen hundreds there, saying that it dated back to sources [00:39:25] in 1899. Nikola Tesla was getting some kind of signal. Well, anyway, I didn't go into it enough. But there's this thing called the Black Knight satellite and they're [00:39:35] some people claim. It's an extraterrestrial satellite. That's been orbiting the Earth for you like this 13,

Thousand years. I don't know how they got to that. I couldn't [00:39:45] find anything really definitive on it. All I know is that there was a space journalist, which I like that James oberg, considers it. A probable [00:39:55] debris of a thermal blanket. Confirmed is lost during an IAS space mission. I wonder if Galileo, checking out that. I hope so, I mean the name is badass. [00:40:05] Black Knight Knight Satellite like it's just sound it just does. I mean, amumu is cool. Don't get, that's cool.

That is weird. Yeah, it's weird. [00:40:15] If you are a smarter person than we are. Yes, a plan. Which, how could you not be apply for the fellowship with the Galileo project? They are accepting applications [00:40:25] to have a fellowship. You'd be working under the head of the Harvard astronomy Department. His name is Avi lobe. You can go on their website and apply to get a fellowship so that you can be part [00:40:35] of this study, which is freaking amazing. And it is send us an email. Let us know what the hell's going on out there because I don't know.

Tell us what the hell. The Black Knight satellite [00:40:45] thing is really do. You want to answer a listener question? Oh, hell. Yeah. Okay. This comes from Thor Wilson. Is this another made-up question? [00:40:55] No. Thor Wilson wants to know. If you could know the definitive answer about extraterrestrial life and their [00:41:05] presence on Earth, but you would be physically incapable of telling anyone or even writing it down.

Out. Would you still want to know there's a follow-up? Okay. [00:41:15] Okay. Here's your father. Okay, would your answer change if the penalty for trying to share the information with instant humiliating [00:41:25] death? I liked it that humiliating in there because you're not just gonna go peacefully. Yeah, there's gonna be some, you're gonna make the news. Yeah. So I've given [00:41:35] this some thought and the answer the answer is, I cannot keep a secret. So if I was literally like incapable

Bubble, like when I tried to talk about it, kind of like, [00:41:45] yeah. Like yeah, like I couldn't, if I was prevented from speaking about it. I would want to know. Even though I do think it would probably drive you crazy to be the only person who [00:41:55] actually knows what's going on, but I would because I'm just the hold, the Black Knight thing. I'm just so frustrated because you look up information and everything, contradicts everything else [00:42:05] and then it's like, I mean, part of me is like, it's probably just space junk, but at the same time, it's like, I want to know for sure.

I would want to know, but I would have to [00:42:15] be prevented from spilling the beans because I just cannot keep my mouth shut. So, if I wasn't prevented, you would technically be prevented by a humiliating [00:42:25] and instant death. No, if I had the capability of telling you what, I know, even in knowing that I was going to experience a humiliating television were [00:42:35] the double. Yeah, I wouldn't be able to stop myself. So. So in that case, I wouldn't want to know because I just can't keep my mouth shut. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, but you would show up, California. Woman [00:42:46] to death by a mob is Amy's clutters?

I'll write you. You know, what? No, don't do it. [00:42:56] You're not going to be able to keep your mouth. Shut. I actually think I would be able to keep my love. I don't, I think someone would be like a life doesn't [00:43:06] exist your stupid. Oh, yeah. Well, I could keep secrets. It's all the people that I tell their secrets do that. Can't keep their mouth shut. It's true. I cannot keep [00:43:16] my mouth shut, you know, okay. Initially. I did think. Of course, I would want to know

Yeah, I think I can. I think I'd be able to keep myself in check [00:43:26] and if I couldn't, it would be so worth it. Like, if Neil deGrasse Tyson was like, why would they even be interested in? Knowing about us, and I give you like, [00:43:36] well, actually, and then my head instantly explodes. No, it's humiliating. Probably your, but waiting explode, explode. And then it doesn't even kill me right away. It's just [00:43:46] me lying on the ground Twitchy. No, I'm ODed. And

Inverted and my bike just exploded in a way. I was kind [00:43:56] of thinking about it and I feel like this answer such a cop-out but I'm like, you know, my no, I don't need to know because I already know. Yeah, like I have my beliefs. Yeah, and I will just say beliefs [00:44:06] aren't knowledge. But no, but I mean does it make a difference though? Like well, I will say the French report. Yeah. That you mentioned. I think that there's [00:44:16] enough evidence that we can say Earth. People don't know everything. And there's a lot of

And it's okay. Do we really already had plenty of evidence [00:44:26] on this planet to prove that point? People don't know shit. Yeah. No, I think I get what you're saying. I'm eating right? I mean if you're right ultimately [00:44:36] it is just a belief but if I'm like, yeah, I would like to see a really clear picture of a spacecraft spacecraft and Aliens. Like I [00:44:46] would find that extremely satisfying but see dude I can go online right now.

And I can get you a picture. No, but, I mean, I want it like exactly, [00:44:56] you'll never know. I mean, that's the thing unless unless, you know, you'll never know. Okay, I want to talk to an alien. Oh, I don't do. I, I guess it depends. See, that's [00:45:06] the thing. There's so many different experiences. Yeah, and we'll be talking about that next week. Oh my God. It's on alien abduction. Oh my God. That is a scary [00:45:16] thing. Yeah, I guess because some people have a Transcendent experience.

I feel like they've communed with basically a super not. It is the hallucinogenic [00:45:26] of space. Yeah, like some. Take a good drill. Take it. And try to have a good trip. You take it, and you're in the depths of hell for however, long, the experience less, and then beyond [00:45:36] for a lot of people, I think, yes, which is very scary. Yeah. I'm so excited. I have a shout-out. Do you mind if I do a shout? And no, go ahead. This is [00:45:46] very special message. This is going out to our most loyal listener.

Oh, four-star. General Paul M, nakasone current head of the NSA. [00:45:56] Mickey, baby. We know you're out there and we know you're listening. We see that download every week.

And we just want to say to you [00:46:06] if you like what you hear, please follow And subscribe, please rate and review our podcast. Yeah. That apparently it helps to [00:46:16] like move you up the list so that other people can potentially listen, write, plus I Plus getting some feedback is good because then find out what you're doing that people like and what you're doing that people [00:46:26] and then we're going to get an oil that just says I don't like you doing a podcast, please. Stop.

But we'll take it any sort of feedback has [00:46:36] welcomed. Let us know what you think. So, and to get onto that if you want to ask us a question, if you want to give us feedback on any of these episodes, if you have an idea [00:46:46] that you think we should look into right, or if you want to correct a mistake that you think we've made anything of that nature. You can contact us, you can email [00:46:56] us at the paranoid style POD at, or you can also reach out via

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Object idea. Yes, you might get to hear an episode [00:47:36] dedicated. Sure. Yeah, but we, but we have to know that you're out there. Yes. Much like life on another planet, unless you reach out to [00:47:46] us. We will never know. This is like the seti portion of our podcast. We're basically telling you don't be afraid to tap on the glass of that. Cosmic zoo [00:47:56] cage and let us know your