The Paranoid Style Podcast

The Extemporaneous Style # 4 - Spooky Halloween Edition

Amanda and Christine Season 1 Episode 20

Welcome to the Paranoid Style Podcast! This week we share all our favorites: favorite Halloween memories, favorite trick or treat candy, favorite Halloween costumes and why it's chimney sweeps …. From shark teeth to crucifixes, popcorn to candy corns, movie theater ghosts to space Bigfoot! Which one of your hosts have had ghostly experiences and which one has never seen John Carpenter's Halloween?! Turn out the lights and snuggle up with that bowl of fun-sized candies… It's the Extemporaneous Style… Spooky Edition!


And please check out our Halloween Baking Challenge on our Instagram page! 


Please subscribe where ever you get your podcasts. If you have any topic suggestions for the show or any tales to share, please email us at and follow us on Instagram @theparanoidstylepod or on twitter @style_paranoid.  

Opening theme music provided by Tony Molina. You can hear more of his music at

CCK:: [00:00:00] Something a little Illuminati. And I think kind of, you know, devil 


ARK:: worship and de mohrenschildt came from a rich Noble family of meats, mints. Terry, 


CCK:: Lewis, hey, you lady start from Serbia, to start from 


ARK:: Serbia fudge-like like, you know, um, the the 


CCK:: I was faking it for the podcast, 


ARK:: [00:00:31] good evening, and welcome to a very special edition of the paranoid style extemporaneous spooky Edition. We are your ghosts hosts. I'm abominable Amanda and I have extra teeth in my skull. That is true. I have baby [00:01:01] teeth that never came out there like in the palette, click short. Yeah. I know, when I got x-rays the first time, the dentist pointed that out.


CCK:  I'm creepy Christine, and I read Salem's a lot during the summer between seventh and eighth grade. I finished it at 2 a.m. And then looked up to notice that My closet door was slightly open which never used to happen because it always made, sure it was closed before I went to bed. So, I subsequently had to spend the rest of my night hiding under my blankets clutching [00:01:31] a crucifix to my chest. Thank you, Stephen King 


ARK:: for a sliver of light. In the long dark night. Please follow us on Instagram at the paranoid style pod. And now on with the show, ha ha ha. Laughs. Thanks. Hey sister. Hey sister, welcome back to the paranoid style. Another extemporaneous episode this guy--addition because it's the most wonderful [00:02:01] time of the year. 


CCK: You do love Halloween. Do I love Halloween? I really really do. What's your favorite part of Halloween? 


ARK:: Don't. Oh, I mean, okay, I guess my favorite part of Halloween is 


CCK:: this is so stupid, but it's true. It's me. I can't 


ARK:: help it. I 


CCK:: I love the concept of the thinning of the veils. 


ARK:: I love the idea that as you get to this 


CCK:: time of year, the veils [00:02:31] between the living and the dead are thinnest. 


ARK:: So you have the potentiality for spookiness or creepiness or 


CCK:: you know magic here. I thought you were going to say your Halloween playlist because you have like a thousand song Halloween. It's that is so awesome. I do love my playlist and I love candy and I love scary movies. And I love my Halloween decoration comes 


ARK:: in, but it's funny because 


CCK:: this [00:03:01] is always my indicator. And this year. It happened 


ARK:: around September 12th somewhere in there. When the Halloween season officially starts is, when I have a moment of high strangeness, and it's usually just my brain. I Recognize this for some reason, my brain translates a piece of information in a weird way. But as soon as that happens around this time of year. I know 


CCK:: it's officially the spooky 


ARK:: season. [00:03:31] I was doing laundry early in the morning and there was the person sitting on the little 


CCK:: retaining wall, by the grocery store. And for whatever reason, the way I 


ARK:: caught her out of the corner of my eye. She just 


CCK:: looked wrong. 


ARK:: She had this long Stringy 


CCK:: black hair and she's wearing all black 


ARK:: and she was kind of like, hunched over in a weird way. And so, just in that moment, when I caught her out of the 


CCK:: corner of my [00:04:01] eye, my brain was like, which season. Exactly. I love Halloween. I'm not, I wouldn't say I'm as, as in touch with all, that is Halloween, is you are. But the reason I love Halloween is, for me. It really is the beginning of the winter season. Yeah. The fall in the winter are my favorite season. Me, too. Have whatever the opposite is of the 


ARK:: seasonal. Yeah, 


CCK:: seasonal affective disorder. Yes. So for me, once it [00:04:31] starts getting darker earlier, I feel so energized and just excited about 


ARK:: life D2. I agree. I feel the same way. You were born in 


CCK:: Fall September. Yeah. I was born in Winter. Oh, yeah. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. Yeah. Yeah, interesting this. Might not be a good 


ARK:: segue. But one of the other things I 


CCK:: always enjoy about Halloween are the treats like the 


ARK:: candy and it's always fun to try and bake 


CCK:: something. Around this time [00:05:01] of year or 


ARK:: make something spooky. I always make vegetarian mummy dogs, which is just I mean 


CCK:: it's as easy as it sounds. You basically take vegetarian hot dogs and wrap it with some Pillsbury Crescent dough. Yeah, you wrap it up like a mummy and that is it but it's 


ARK:: those kind of things like what kind of Baked, am I going to make this year? Which brings us to our first order of business and that order of business? Dear listeners is something you can be a part of if you felt so inclined [00:05:31] this year. The paranoid style podcast is hosting a baking challenge. Christine. Should we be a baking podcast? 


CCK:: I'll cut it on the list. Okay, possibly. 


ARK:: So this month to honor the greatest month of the year. We are hosting a Halloween 


CCK:: baking challenge. So it's the paranoid style, 


ARK:: first annual trick, or treat baking challenge. How can our listeners be a part of something like this? The rules are simple. If you [00:06:01] can survive one night in a haunted kitchen. 


CCK:: No, we didn't go with that. All right, that's right. Okay. We are 


ARK:: asking our contestants to choose one of two themes for your baked. You can either make a treat which is to recreate reimagine. Reinvent or use in a new way. Your favorite trick or treat candy, that one item that you got on Halloween night that you squirreled away [00:06:31] for last or you can go the trick route. If you want to go the trick route. What you're going to do is create something that would make Victor Frankenstein's. Monster Green With Envy think cup cake shaped like skeletons or 


CCK:: creme brulee rat that you crack into at the End of 


ARK:: the night. Basically, this would be a baked, that would be the centerpiece at your Halloween party. Very cool. So the second rule is, there must be at least [00:07:01] one element of your creation that is baked. So something has to be baked as in a cake, a cookie, a bread, a puff pastry. There has to be a baked element. But otherwise, the only other rule is once you've made your creation submit your entry. Direct message to the paranoid style pod, Instagram account, your entry must include a title and description of your creation. One stunning picture of your baked and one [00:07:31] video a minute or less please. And the video can be whatever you want. You can show yourself eating your baked. You can show someone else tasting it for the first time. You can make a little mini movie, or you can just describe what your baked is and why you chose to bake it. And then once we have all our entries, which are due by October 24th, which is a Sunday. They're due by midnight on October 24th. Once we have all our entries, we're going to send out [00:08:01] a voting sheet and all the contestants will vote for their favorite and prizes will be awarded for the best bakes. And yeah, so head over to Instagram and look for the paranoid style pod. We have the same information 


CCK:: written out in a post on our page. You can find it there. Or you can always DM us on Instagram for more 


ARK:: information. Yes. So definitely if baking is something you're interested in 


CCK:: and Halloween enter our contest, 


ARK:: it's bound to be fun. 


CCK:: [00:08:31] It is I love making stuff. I am now going to tell you what my favorite candy is. Okay, my favorite candy, our nerd, gummy clusters, which I recognize are an Abomination unto the Lord. But they're so good. It's like basically a little ball of jelly rolled in 


ARK:: nerds. Now the jelly is it of gloomy? It is, but a very sticky one. [00:09:01] Okay, because 


CCK:: it's got the Nerds stuck on it, like a cluster, right? Okay, and I like it because I really like nerds, but they're kind of difficult to eat. Actually. I mean, you basically just have to pour them in your mouth, but I thought, I'd love the Gummi clusters. I don't know if they have them in small Halloween size. 


ARK:: Judges nowadays. I bet they do nerds were always kind of a come up in the Halloween basket and the Halloween is the kit 


CCK:: little boxes, and they're so brightly 


ARK:: [00:09:31] colored and I do like chocolate. But I have to say, that's not my favorite candy. I will eat 


CCK:: Snickers till the cows come home. But yeah, it's not my 


ARK:: favorite. Well, I wonder how much of that has to do with how the formula for chocolate has changed indicted states. That could be. Yeah. What's your favorite candy? Well, okay, so Of course, my favorite candy of all time 


CCK:: are Cadbury Cream 


ARK:: Eggs, which are 


CCK:: not Halloween candy. They sell them for Halloween. No CAD. [00:10:01] No Cadbury's, Creme eggs. They are 


ARK:: bullshit. For some reason, adjust the action of adding that green coloring changes. It's like thicker. Yeah, but I kind of wonder if 


CCK:: that's because they are hoping you might put them in trick-or-treat, buckets. So they actually make a more holid. You don't get crushed. Stay in your basket. I could be, that could 


ARK:: be so because generally no one's giving out Cadbury Cream Eggs for Halloween. Although hello people get on this. The [00:10:31] one thing that was a major come up, was Reese's. Peanut Butter Cups, like those were always the ones that I was like, put aside, save them for 


CCK:: last and you see I'm the exact opposite, because when I actually was trick-or-treating, I ate my favorite stuff first, until I was left with only Those rock-hard peanut butter. I don't even know if the ornamental 


ARK:: a wrapped in wax and wax paper. Yeah, no. See, that's why you eat the crappy stuff. First and work up [00:11:01] to the good 


CCK:: stuff. I've tried. I just can't. I have no impulse control. Okay. So if this is a 


ARK:: controversy that I think has come up a lot in the last couple of years, which is the controversy surrounding candy corn, which I did not realize that people were so up in arms about Candy corn. I mean, don't get me wrong. It's not 


CCK:: the greatest candy in the 


ARK:: world. But I mean, if what you're after is sugar, which is usually and after their perfect sugar 


CCK:: [00:11:31] held together by some corn syrup. 


ARK:: Exactly. So I wanted to see where you stand on candy corn. Here's what I will say in favor 


CCK:: of candy corn. They're one of the few candies that I can control myself eating because you start to feel sick very soon. Yeah, and don't get me started. Started on those Brock's pumpkins, love the 


ARK:: Pinnacle of this, but it does make me so sad. I mean, there are people who hate candy corn. I can 


CCK:: see that. I mean, they [00:12:01] really are just sugar. Yeah. Waxy. Yes, waxy, sure, but you're right. It does seem like it's more controversial now. But yeah, it was force-feeding. Anyone hiding. Well, right, although, I guess that they do like, I think they had candy corn, Oreos, and candy corn. Maybe something else candy corn. So maybe it's like the pumpkin 


ARK:: spice. You know what though? Okay, that's kind of weird though because candy corn as far 


CCK:: as I can tell is not a flavor. [00:12:31] It's just 


ARK:: sugar flavor. Like it's sugar flavor. So I mean, it's got like a slave like maybe vennila. Oh, honey flavor, honey, maybe yeah, and then they have the 


CCK:: assume it's fake honey, but still 


ARK:: the heirloom candy corn. 


CCK:: Oh, that's good. But I can't remember. And I swear, that's what it is Harvest already. 


ARK:: Yeah. With the like, chocolate. So you get [00:13:01] a slight, that does have a slaver yesterday. I agree. Kind of Tootsie Roll. 


CCK:: Ask ugly. I would say, I like those less than regular candy corn. I 


ARK:: agree. Okay, so we're both Pro candy 


CCK:: corn with some reservation. I'm reservations. Yeah. Just I think that's fair. I Please let us know where your feelings 


ARK:: are. So, I think we could probably just hit upon what our favorite 


CCK:: parts of Halloween trick-or-treating was, and I was all the sugar. [00:13:31] All the delicious sugar so much sugar, but were there other elements that you enjoyed like you, 


ARK:: what's your favorite trick or 


CCK:: treat memory? Okay, I guess I was probably in about sixth grade at this time. I must have been about 11 10 or 11. Something like that. You were little at that time. So you were probably with us in a stroller. Something. We lived down the block from a kid that I went to school with. [00:14:01] So we started walking down the block and we rang that Bell but his dad answered the door wasted in a bathrobe and socks. I just for some reason I really remembered that. He had like knee-length socks on and he was handing out this fools. Of quarters score. I don't know if they forgot to buy candy or what, or he was just in a magnanimous mood, due to alcohol, but I got like a like maybe [00:14:31] two dollars worth of quarters, D hum. So that is my most Vivid trick-or-treat memory. That is a good memory that would live with me forever as 


ARK:: well. My favorite trick or treat memory. It's bittersweet a little bit because it's actually a memory. That's right on the cusp of I was way too old to be trick-or-treating and I technically was 


CCK:: out not doing trick-or-treating when I was in eighth grade. So I was probably 


ARK:: about 13. I went with a bunch of my classmates [00:15:01] to do a shaving cream 


CCK:: fight. Oh God Presidio. Everyone was in charge of getting their own shaving cream and we all met up and walked over to the Presidio. And, you know, made a 


ARK:: mess. The Presidio used to be an army base. It's a wooded area in the middle. The city next 


CCK:: to one of the richest neighborhoods in San Francisco Pacific Heights. Yes, so when it was time to 


ARK:: start heading home, everyone's walking out into the streets of [00:15:31] Pacific Heights where people are taking their 


CCK:: security a little more seriously. 


ARK:: And because of that, there was a priest and like Committee of parents who were standing there to stop and collect any Contraband, like a Eggs, toilet paper, shaving cream. So, at that point, I was like, well, you know, I'm just going to give myself up. I'm gonna walk by this priests. He's going to see. I'm 


CCK:: already covered head to toe and shaving 


ARK:: cream. So [00:16:01] I walk up to the committee of parents and specifically up 


CCK:: to the priest and I've got a can of shaving cream in each hand and I'm like, all right 


ARK:: here, and I was basically 


CCK:: move out of the way kid, you're blocking up our security wall. So I just got launched around. I was like, okay, mom was supposed to pick me up at 


ARK:: a certain time. So I was on my way back to the A point. And so, as we walked, I was walking with someone probably Zach. We stopped at a couple of houses to 


CCK:: try and at least get a couple candies and and 


ARK:: wait. Did you have [00:16:31] a costume on under the shaving cream? So I was no. My clothes were my normal clothes, but I had done like a face. Okay, like I. Yeah, so we did get a couple of candies but we got the couple of candies with a lot of judgment like silent judgment. 


CCK:: I'm only giving me these. You said yeah. 


ARK:: Exactly. I make it back down to my pickup neighborhood and my pickup was in front of the Century, 21 theater on Chestnut Street, and they [00:17:01] were handing out freshly 


CCK:: popped bags of popcorn to trick-or-treaters. So I went inside trick or treat and they gave me a bag of popcorn 


ARK:: and it was the greatest popcorn to this day. Almost no popcorn has ever rivaled it, except for maybe the popcorn at Grauman's Chinese. 


CCK:: These theater that was great popcorn, but I 


ARK:: just remember standing on the street corner. Eating my free popcorn waiting. For mom to come pick me up and like in that moment knowing it was a Bittersweet moment. [00:17:31] Yeah. I was too old to have gone trick-or-treating. Yeah, even though I did hit a couple houses. Yes, and I knew that the shaving cream thing was kind of 


CCK:: stupid, so I would probably never do that again, 


ARK:: but getting to eat that free popcorn was also a reminder that there was still like fun to be had even as I was In that weird in between 


CCK:: spot, so I love how your trick or treats. Worry sounds like a coming-of-age novel and mine was just his poor kid, who was, [00:18:01] then roundly mocked at the next day at school because his dad was so wasted. Oh, that's terrible. It was, it was heartbreaking. I was also a Bittersweet Halloween frame would. Well, that's a great story. I don't think I've ever heard that. Wait. What did Mom say to you when you got in the car covered in shaving 


ARK:: cream, you know, what nothing. I don't think she really said anything. I think she 


CCK:: kind of knew that whatever I was going to do was not going to be entirely 


ARK:: on the up-and-up. Yeah, it was a group of eighth [00:18:31] graders. Yeah, like okay guys, we're going to get together. Hang out for two hours and not trick-or-treat. Like she must have known. It was not going to be said, she didn't have to pick you up from the police station. She 


CCK:: probably considered it a 


ARK:: wash, you know, in a way I kind of wonder if standing out in front of that movie 


CCK:: theater getting that free popcorn made 


ARK:: such an impact. Fact that in 


CCK:: later years, when I worked for a movie theater, 


ARK:: I made sure 


CCK:: that no matter what free bags of popcorn for trick-or-treaters on Halloween. If [00:19:01] I was working, 


ARK:: which brings us to our next segment listeners. If you have a heart condition, if 


CCK:: you are pregnant, if you need to pee, maybe now is a good time to go because now we're going to share our personal ghost story. I don't really have a 


ARK:: ghost story. Mmm II have never been touched by the spirit world. I mean, I'm you've been touched on the bus 


CCK:: and I mean, when I leave, it [00:19:31] was not by a spirit. There's been many times when I've been kind of creeped out or one time when we were kids, we had bunk beds. We were too old to have Funk beds. We've lived in a small house. So we had bumpy. Yeah, and we were laying in bed and And we live on a busy street. Yeah Park. So we get a lot of like a late-night weirdness happening outside the house. We heard a noise. It sounded like something from The Exorcist. Yeah, and I just [00:20:01] remember the you jumping down into my bunk bed, and we spent the night there because yes to agree po scary it was. And then the thing that I thought of, we once met a vampire serial killer, I'm like 99% sure if this yeah, we were Downtown San Francisco and we had been to a show at The Warfield, I think tones, right? And at this theater, it's on the big Main Street Market Street, but you can exit from a side or back door. So we were kind of in a back [00:20:31] alley sort of it was definitely dark and not highly populated. Right? So we're walking back to the bus stop and suddenly this guy who I would say was very 


ARK:: Jeffrey Dahmer ish. Yes. Walked up to it and he looks. Yes. 


CCK:: He loves ya glass. Isis. Basic white man from town comes up to us and he asks, he either asked what do you know about vampires? Although that sounds too much like the paranoid style podcast. No, I swear that is what he said. [00:21:01] Yeah. He 


ARK:: said something like, what do you know, about family? 


CCK:: And then we were both like, okay. I've had a lot of interactions with weird people on the street living in a big city, you just do but this one had like a quality. That was a different. I think we are was definitely something, not. About this guy and he didn't seem like he was on drugs or compromised by any kind of substances. He seemed 


ARK:: genuinely just creepy as hell. Yeah. So then he started talking about Interview [00:21:31] with a 


CCK:: Vampire and how that building was close by. And I don't, I don't remember anything else particularly that he said, but you and I were both like, okay, by, we gotta go and then we hustled, 


ARK:: did you remember that? You victim blamed me for getting approached by the vampire, man, because that was the 


CCK:: first day. After I dyed my 


ARK:: hair black, basically black. And so you were like, this is because you dyed 


CCK:: your hair black. I didn't remember that. But now I'm going to take to blame you. Again. I 


ARK:: seem to recall, [00:22:01] he was telling us which this is true. This was a thing. I don't know if it's still a thing, but there used to be a vampire LARP game that took place on the Streets of San Francisco. Oh, I did large parade. I live action role playing. Yeah. And so this group of people would get together and do a 


CCK:: vampire LARP in San Francisco. 


ARK:: And I remember he was telling us about that. But I got the impression that he was like a mature. 


CCK:: Like those people. [00:22:31] They're just playing at being a vampire. Whereas I am a gadget of the night. I mean, I definitely felt like he wanted to throw us down a well and have us put lotion on our skins. I 


ARK:: also remember that 


CCK:: you out of your trusty bag of everything you 


ARK:: pulled out a Ballpoint pen and I swear you were holding it in your 


CCK:: hand as like, okay. If I need to, I'm Takin this mofos. I out with my ballpoint pen. The pen is mightier than the sword. Yeah. [00:23:01] Wow, I do remember that Connie, you always have a better memory than I do. But I remember the guy very vividly. He was so Jeffrey Dahmer. And apparent. There was something not. All right. Yeah. All right. Yeah, wait. So what are your personal ghost stories? Because you actually have 


ARK:: had Have had unexplained experiences that I do, believe it was something ghostly in nature and because I had multiple experiences and because other people in the same [00:23:31] spot had multiple experiences. I have 


CCK:: no reason to believe that it was anything other than weird Poltergeist e 


ARK:: activity. And this was at a 


CCK:: movie theater. I worked at 


ARK:: the Metro Theater. It was an old movie house. Sad about 850 people. People in its prime. I think it was used for both live-action performances as well as movies. Hmm. But then, there was a big fire in the theater at [00:24:01] some point and they didn't rebuild the whole thing. They kind of just covered up the older parts of the theater. So that was a really interesting thing when you were looking at it. It had a kind of art deco feel but if you went up into the rafters, you could see parts of the old theater. Which have an Egyptian Motif, which was really strange. I remember was this where they had like some of the chunks of burnt theater. Yes, like, if you went behind the screen, you could see like, [00:24:31] oh, looks like this thing was charred. So, when I worked at that movie theater, I was the late night closer with the manager. So the manager would be upstairs doing her paperwork counting out for the night and my job as the floor staff. Was to just stand in the lobby and when the theater was over, make sure everyone exited say, goodnight, you know, validate parking, anything of that nature, Point people to bathrooms. So the film had just let out. I was standing in the lobby, [00:25:01] looking out the front doors and I heard someone say into my ear. Do you remember me? And I turned around? There's no one there. No one in the lobby. So I go and I look in the auditorium. The auditorium seems completely empty. I checked the bathroom. Bathroom seem completely empty. I even opened the front door and stepped outside to kind of look up and down the street. Like maybe someone was outside talking and it just hit my ear in a way that may feel [00:25:31] like it 


CCK:: was right in my ear, but it was actually bouncing off walls or whatever. 


ARK:: Nothing no one. So I go back to 


CCK:: standing where I was still quiet and I hear it 


ARK:: again. Do you remember me? And at that point, I freaked out and I 


CCK:: throw open the door to the manager's office and I'm like Sonia. 


ARK:: A year and a half down the line, we found out that they were going to be closing the theater to completely remodel it. So once we found [00:26:01] out about remodeling things just really seemed to pop off. We had one employee who had gone into the women's restroom, and she could have sworn that someone peeked 


CCK:: over the bathroom stall door. Even though there was no one else in there with her. That is for some reason a nightmare that I have it. Look I'm scraped out by movie theater bath or 


ARK:: yes, even when I'm not 


CCK:: watching a scary movie [00:26:31] for some reason, it feels like a antechamber like it feels like a space between limited 


ARK:: release. Yeah, it does it really does and we had another employee who got hushed by someone at the auditorium door even 


CCK:: though The auditorium was 


ARK:: empty me and this one guy Edwin. I was an assistant manager at that point. So I was the closing manager and Edwin was my floor staff, helping me close. It was the end of the night. [00:27:01] The film was over now. Normally this was 


CCK:: back when all theaters were 35 millimeter film. 


ARK:: So they had what we used to call cues. And it basically it's little metal tape that when it goes through the projector. It cues the lights to go on the soundest. Things like that. So what happens is those cues, they can get worn down. So, on this night, when the lights were supposed to go up, at the end of the film, they didn't, which happened. It wasn't that unusual. [00:27:31] So, you know, I told Edwin, okay, I'm going to go shut up the projector. I step into the auditorium, and again, over 850 empty seats. In this place. I step into the auditorium. I start walking up the stairs to the projector booth and as soon as I hit, The second Landing walking up the stairs towards the projector Booth. I hear what sounds like 850 people clapping. Oh my God, so I turn around, I go [00:28:01] downstairs. I go out into the lobby. I say Edwin. Can you come in here with me? And he says, sure. So we both walk in and it's the same we walk in nothing. As soon as we hit that second Landing of 


CCK:: stairs. We both look at each other and I'm like, do you hear that noise? He's like, yeah. I hear that noise. It sounds like people clapping. That is so freaky. See you would handle that better than I would. I would have to run away and never come back. Well, we're getting to that story. [00:28:31] One of the greatest perks of being a movie assistant manager is from 


ARK:: time, to time, after we were closed for the night. I would have friends come over and we would watch the film in our own private, screening in the theater. So at the time we were showing the re-releases of Return of the Jedi. Oh cool. We were sitting there, we watched the movie in the theater. They had all these fire exit doors. And so every night one of the last things you do is you go around, you make sure all the doors are closed [00:29:01] and you put these little wooden blocks that blocks the Panic bar from being pushed. So you cannot open the door anymore from the inside. So I had already done that part of the close up. We sat down, we are watching the movie. I did notice about halfway through the movie that it was freezing in the theater, but I didn't really pay attention. Into it that much. It gets cold. It's a bit, the air, cavernous theater, the movie ends. I stand up, I turn around to go close up the projector and all the 


CCK:: fire doors are wide open. 


ARK:: [00:29:31] The wooden blocks are still in the panic 


CCK:: bars. But all the doors are wide open. No way to like this one 


ARK:: time. I was closing and this was starting to get really really close to when we were going to be shut so that they could do a full remodel it. 


CCK:: Me Haas and a couple of other people we could 


ARK:: hear a noise coming from behind the stage. So we walked through the curtains that would have led [00:30:01] either to the left. You go out fire door to exit the theater to the right. It's a locked door that would lead to the backstage area. And so, it was locked. It had a padlock on it. And when we walk back there, the padlock was jumping up and down on the door like 


CCK:: Detective. Like banging against the door me and Hospital freaked out. Ran out of the 


ARK:: auditorium. But the only time I ever abandoned post 


CCK:: because [00:30:31] of an experience at the Metro. 


ARK:: I was closing up. I had already, let my floor staff go because the only thing left to do was shut off the lights and leave. So, our breaker room was in a little closet area off of the men's room and bathroom. No, so I go into the men's room, the breaker room. Had a combination door lock. So it was a combination door lock where you had to actually, like, press the little buttons on the door itself. I go into the room. I press the first buttons [00:31:01] to start entering the combination and on the other side of the door, I hear. I hear a knock. That was it. I was done. I left. I left the theater unlocked. I went next door to the pizza parlor. I knocked on their door because they're 


CCK:: closing up as well. I knock on their door, get someone's attention and the manager came and he was 


ARK:: like, yeah, what's up? And I was like, 


CCK:: I'm scared. I can't close the theater because I'm scared. So I need someone to come with me so I can turn off the lights and lock the door. [00:31:31] I swear. It'll only take a second. So that 


ARK:: manager who was so sweet. He agreed. He's like, No problem. He took me back over. We were both standing there. Like, okay. Are 


CCK:: we gonna have to tell him what had happened? 


ARK:: I told them and I didn't tell him. I 


CCK:: thought I was a ghost. Did I think you were crazy? Or did he seem like he was kind 


ARK:: of? He was ready to fight? Okay, I think on 


CCK:: his a real person. 


ARK:: Okay, and I although I did not say the words to him. I think there's someone 


CCK:: hiding in there. I didn't say, I think it's a ghost. I basically [00:32:01] let him believe like, yeah. I don't know what's behind that door and I don't want to find out by 


ARK:: myself. So we It back in. I punched in the combination. Opened it up. Nothing. Closed off the lights closed and locked 


CCK:: the door and got the hell out of there. Oh my gosh. Yeah. The stories are so creepy. Now is the Metro now condos wonder if they're haunted. That is hella spooky. Yeah. It was it was hello spooky. Yeah, the knocking thing. 


ARK:: Like I said, that was the only time I 


CCK:: [00:32:31] ever abandoned post. I'm not emotionally equipped to deal with spooky frightening thing. I like horror movies, but I can only watch them in certain circumstances. Like I have to be with someone. I can watch them in the movie theater, but I have to be in the right frame of mind, because I make myself too scared. I hate 


ARK:: watching horror movies with you in the movie 


CCK:: theater because I always know like, dude, she's gonna scream like it's [00:33:01] so important to you. My nervous system isn't good, but there are a lot of Horror movies that I do love ya. 


ARK:: I was thinking about what my 


CCK:: favorite horror movie is. Yes, and I couldn't pick 


ARK:: just one. I know, I do 


CCK:: love the Exorcist. I would say that's maybe the most scary movies I've ever watched. I think it is the scariest movie I've ever want but it's not one of my list [00:33:31] because maybe it's too scary. That's 


ARK:: interesting. I really love the Exorcist 3, which is like about a serial killer and yeah. 


CCK:: George see, Scott, but that's actually not on my list either. So the the first Conjuring and also the second Conjuring, I liked both of those movies 


ARK:: and I think it was because the cast was so good and the acting was really like the acting was just 


CCK:: really good acting. Not horror movie 


ARK:: acting. Yeah, I get it because so many [00:34:01] times when you're watching a horror movie, the way that the person reacts to the circumstances there in, you have those moments of like, bitch, please. 


CCK:: Were you I would have been running for the hills already 


ARK:: and I feel like with The Conjuring, you don't get too much of the whole 


CCK:: like, oh, I'm sure it's just a rat. Yeah, 


ARK:: actually get these people experiencing a moment and having that 


CCK:: doubt. Yeah, like what is happening? I like Midsummer that movie just messed me up 


ARK:: like for a week after that. [00:34:31] I would 


CCK:: just dream about it and it's not even really in a scary 


ARK:: way. Just like the setting sun 


CCK:: because it was such an unusual. All setting and such a weird movie. It's haunted, my 


ARK:: imagination. The art Direction on that film is amazing. And I really liked that they mess with your head 


CCK:: without you knowing about 


ARK:: it. Like it's one thing to mess with the audience's head by like having a cat jump out and scare you. It's another thing to mess with it. Subliminally subliminally, [00:35:02] having the acid trip morphine in the background. And like, yeah, things that your conscious mind might 


CCK:: not Even notice. Yes, and that there is a lot of that. I did read an article on Easter eggs in mid. Some are so if you seen the movie and you haven't seen that article, you definitely should look it up because there are a lot of strange things in the scenery in the background. I really liked the which I love that and I know these are all more recent and I think it's just because I tend to to remember [00:35:32] what I've seen more recent right, but that movie 


ARK:: is just deeply messed up, you know. There is so much to be said for a slow burn and that movie is a 


CCK:: slow burn but it's a slow burn that 


ARK:: keeps you constantly tense. So I feel 


CCK:: like Midsomer is kind of similar in that way that at points. There's not much going on. Right? And what is the Menace here? Yeah. So we think [00:36:02] that that's kind of the same with the which in a way you don't know what the Menace is, which makes it very scary and interesting intense. I liked a girl walks home alone at night, which is been Persian and is described by the director, Ana a lily Amer poor as the first Iranian vampire. Spaghetti western that movie is a near perfect. And then my last one Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula, which I know, is it terrible movie in many ways, [00:36:32] but it sticks with me and Gary. Oldman's, but hair Dracula lives, rent-free in my brain. Rain, sometimes. I just think of that hair. 


ARK:: Have you ever seen Bela Lugosi Dracula? I haven't I had a feeling you had and have you ever seen frankenstein-like? The 1939 friend of 


CCK:: style. You know, me and black and white movies. 


ARK:: Do those, 


CCK:: movies are Classics for a reason. I know. But it's stupid. I like color. So what [00:37:02] are some of your favorite horror 


ARK:: movies? Honestly, it's kind of lame, but probably 


CCK:: my favorite whore. V is the 


ARK:: OG 1978 version of Halloween, I love that movie. I takes place at Halloween. 


CCK:: There's like the elements of like 


ARK:: the Halloween festivities. The, the monster itself is such a mystery. Is he a man? Is he something else? 


CCK:: Jamie Lee Curtis is perfection in that 


ARK:: film. It's funny because [00:37:32] you can buy Michael Myers, plush toys and stuff. So I think that lessens the impact of the A movie. But the thing is, I don't know if the lat, 


CCK:: when the last time you saw the original Halloween was history. I'm about to tell you something that shut up. I have never seen any Halloween movie that was back. When the original Halloween movie came out back when I couldn't really watch Modern Halloween movies because they scared me. I watched a lot of creature features [00:38:02] as a kid, but for some reason, like, the /re kind of thing, yeah, didn't really appeal to me. Yeah. I'm and I Is meant to go back and watch 


ARK:: them. That's the thing to me, Halloween. You're right. It does at its core. It is 


CCK:: sort of a slasher 


ARK:: film, but it doesn't feel like a slasher film. It feels like a monster film to me. 


CCK:: I've got to watch these movies. I probably should wash them with you so you can explain them to me. 


ARK:: Um, I love The Exorcist, [00:38:32] the scariness of it. Actually touches me to the 


CCK:: core as X Catholic school children. Exactly. Assist is the thing. 


ARK:: Yeah, and it is kind of funny because I do recognize that ultimately, any 


CCK:: demon movie. It's kind of just cash like 


ARK:: propaganda, but I can't help myself and I think it is coming from that Catholic background. Like, even though I no 


CCK:: longer ascribe to that belief 


ARK:: system. It's still ingrained deep within me that I cannot [00:39:02] help it, 


CCK:: like, oh no, a demon. Let me cross 


ARK:: myself. So, I love The Exorcist. I love the movie trick or treat and That one I highly recommend for you. I haven't seen it because it's, it's an anthology. So they tell different stories and I would say, none of them are overly scary. I mean, I wouldn't say it's for little kids, but nothing's overly scary. It's very cute. Lots of good twists. 


CCK:: I like it. I think you would like that. Put that on my list. 


ARK:: 28 Days [00:39:32] Later to me is like a perfect film. 


CCK:: We took Mom to that for mother's day. One year didn't. We yeah, that sounds right. I don't know if she wanted to go but it was coming out and we wanted to see it. So we went to go. See. I think she liked it. Yeah, like we're in a movie is such a good movie. I don't see how you could 


ARK:: not like it and then I added this one. I don't know if this is one of my favorites. I don't think it's a favorite but like you said, like Dracula's Gary oldman's but hair, it lives in my head. Rent-free. [00:40:02] It's a French film called Martyrs and it's one of those things where I've only watched it once. And I don't think I could ever go back and watch it again. And it's a movie that I don't really feel comfortable recommending to people. Like when people say, like, oh, what would you recommend? I watch if I want something. Creepy, scary, odd, 


CCK:: whatever it always. It 


ARK:: pops up in my head, but I just never feel comfortable actually telling people to watch it because it's too creepy 


CCK:: [00:40:32] or too intense or to 


ARK:: it is. I would say it borders on being one of those. Torture porn kind of films which I do not particularly like 


CCK:: hostile or saw. Like one of 


ARK:: those things have their place like I will watch them for sure, but they tend not to be my favorite this one. Although it cost him plays is being a torture porn film. There's actually something else going on and that is what sticks with me. That 


CCK:: Twist of [00:41:02] why the events are happening the way they're happening. 


ARK:: The basic concept. Is that there are young women, Owen being brutally tortured like flayed alive tortured, but it's all for the pursuit of a miraculous experience. So, the idea is that if someone is brought to the brink of death, they'll have a moment where they 


CCK:: see god. Wow, 


ARK:: that is interesting. [00:41:32] So the people being tortured did they agree to be tortured 


CCK:: in? Okay, so it's not like a consensual 


ARK:: thing. I would say for People who are interested in conspiracy, theories of that idea that there are people with power who abuse their power in a pursuit to something that we cannot even 


CCK:: understand. This is not quite related. But as looking up something which now I can't remember how I got here, but it [00:42:02] was a hypothesis that said if you had a time machine and you could go back and kill Baby, Hitler popular trope. Nope, how do we know that current baby murders aren't really Time. Travelers killing future Hitler's. Wait 


ARK:: what? So you're a time 


CCK:: traveler? Yes, you're going to go back in time and kill Baby Hitler to save, theoretically World War II from happening. What if someone who killed a baby right [00:42:32] now is killing a 


ARK:: future Hitler honestly, whenever I've heard that hypothesis my thing. As always I'm going to come back and praised his art. I'm going to come back when he's like just starting his painting career and be like damn that's good 


CCK:: Hitler. I want to buy one of those paintings. I'm right now work. I know interesting. I think that's a good idea if we get a time machine, let's try it 


ARK:: out. [00:43:05] We have a couple of listener questions. Real 


CCK:: live listeners. Real. Well, 


ARK:: they certainly sent us some 


CCK:: questions. Sit there listening, which have to this week, which is kind of unprecedented. I love it. I know. 


ARK:: So our first question from Andrea Jay and she wants to know is Chewbacca from Star Wars space Bigfoot. Yes, and moving on [00:43:35] to the second question 


CCK:: re M wants to know 


ARK:: are there other colleges with famous secret societies 


CCK:: boy? Howdy are 


ARK:: there. So I 


CCK:: looked up College, secret societies and Wikipedia alone has a list 


ARK:: of a hundred and 


CCK:: twelve notable North American Collegiate, secret societies, and those are not counting the ones at Yale. There was an article online, Crimson education dot-org [00:44:05] and it's a US UK University admissions consulting company, which I thought was a little weird that they were listing College secret societies as if that might impact your decision to attend. But they listed the eight College secret societies in the ivy league and Beyond, you should know. So I'm 


ARK:: not going to list all of 


CCK:: them because I think this probably could use another episode, but one of them that I thought was kind of interesting. Is the seven Society at the University [00:44:35] of 


ARK:: Virginia? It was founded in 


CCK:: 1905 and the members are only revealed after their deaths by the placement of a giant wreath of black Magnolias, in the shape of a 7 appearing on their grave site, weird. And then this this 7 Society they give large monetary gifts to the college. Always involving the number 7. So in Eight, they made a gift of [00:45:05] 777 thousand seven hundred and seventy seven dollars and seventy seven cents. And God to fund an 


ARK:: endowment that 


CCK:: grants Awards, two 


ARK:: professors, to teach their dream classes 


CCK:: at Dartmouth. 31 percent of seniors are involved in a society, and there are at least 14 on campus five of which keep their membership lists a 


ARK:: secret. I looked into it as well. And I pulled out a couple of note, [00:45:35] what is believed to be the very first Collegiate secret. Society was founded at the College of William and Mary and they're known as the flat hat club or fhc. They were founded in 1750 which to give you some perspective, is about 80 years before those cute little skull and 


CCK:: boners got started 


ARK:: at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. They have something called the order of gimm ghoul. All, which is a society that's open to Junior [00:46:05] or senior male medical or law students. And it was started in honor of a campus Legend named Peter. Dromgoole who was a student that went missing under mysterious circumstances. Maybe the gimm ghoul members, there's only 15 at a time. They're initiated in a late night ceremony and some people believe that they are saved. Tannic in origin [00:46:35] because of their yearbook pages. So they always took out a yearbook page in the UNC yearbook and it has a coded message and it shows their emblem which is a devil holding a trident in one hand and a skeleton key in 


CCK:: the other and there's a crescent moon and a cluster of seven stars behind 


ARK:: him. And one of the coded messages that had been decrypted, it red. On being tied to a tree in the initiation [00:47:06] Butler deserted. He was caught in bed and initiated. Nevertheless. The devil is hard to beat 


CCK:: yours Val, Mar the eighth. Oh good lord. It's sort of 


ARK:: weird. And then I thought it was interesting that they tend to be on the east coast of thing. I did notice that. So I wanted to find anything that was over here on the Left Coast. Yes, so I did find out that at the you Diversity of Southern, California, it's home to the skull [00:47:36] and Dagger Society. Mmm. It was founded in 1913 and it hosts, both men and women members and they are kept secret for the most part except for once a year, when they prank the school by dropping a banner from the Student Union building and then running across campus, wearing, weird hats and tail coats. And they've also been known to make very generous gifts to the The university, they also offer scholarships to students. [00:48:06] And, you know, I was like, well if the University of Southern California has one, maybe good old UCLA has one. 


CCK:: It doesn't have a secret 


ARK:: society or they are actually clever enough to keep it an actual secret 


CCK:: dun-dun-duh. 


ARK:: But what you do have in UCLA is a secret snack of 


CCK:: tyria. Why located in 


ARK:: Bolter Hall in a glassed-in Breezeway on the fifth floor? It's called The Seas Cafe and it's run by members of the engineering [00:48:36] Society. Interesting. So no secret societies, but a secret snack Materia and isn't that better? 


CCK:: I mean, it sounds better to me. 


ARK:: So am hopefully that answers your question and other listeners. If you have things that you'd like us to look into, drop us an email. You can email us at the paranoid style POD at or you can reach out via social media. Dia on 


CCK:: Instagram. We're at the paranoid style pod [00:49:06] and on Twitter. We're at style 


ARK:: underscore paranoid. And if you don't have a question you want us to address but you just want to let us know that you're out there. Listening consider rating and reviewing our 


CCK:: podcast. Yes, or if you want to send us an email about a ghostly experience. You had love for your favorite candy. Yes, or if you want to check out our baking contest on Instagram. 


ARK:: Yes, please go to Instagram. Look at our baking contest. Consider entering. It's just a good time. It's just fun and [00:49:36] you might win a prize. Who knows? Thank you for listening to the 


CCK:: paranoid 


ARK:: style podcast 


CCK:: extemporaneous style, 


ARK:: school key Edition. 


CCK:: Good night. Good night.